Amelia’s Magazine | Paul Costelloe AW15: London Fashion Week Catwalk Review

Paul Costelloe AW15 front row
Paul Costelloe put on a stunning show at the suitably glamorous Waldorf Hotel, showcasing a silhouette that seems to grow bolder by the season. I was seated next to the staircase down which the models descended and had a brilliant view of the Front Row, populated by a host of glamorous ladies with shiny hair and legs: Amanda Byram, Edith Bowman, Donna Air, Yasmin Le Bon and so it went on…

Paul Costelloe by Simon McLaren
Paul Costelloe AW15 by Simon McLaren.

Paul Costelloe AW15- photo Amelia Gregory 1
Paul Costelloe AW15-photo Amelia Gregory 2
The Jewels in the Mist collection was inspired by the Italian village of Corinaldo, and featured a beautiful selection of handcrafted jacquards and tweeds in gorgeous saturated colours.
Hair was big and bouffant and heels were high and buckled, simple stylistic additions that let the clothes do the talking. The show opened with a series of stunning short emerald green floral puff dresses with flared sleeves, shoulderless for nighttime, or with jacket tailoring for day. Deeper amethyst tones were worked into tweed swing coats and silvery hues brought a Hollywood glamour to the show, given a Tudor-esque update with huge pointy shoulders.

Paul Costelloe AW15- photo Amelia Gregory 3
Paul Costelloe AW15- photo Amelia Gregory 4
I particularly loved the juicy orange tweed dresses and coats that closed the show. How I would love one of those marvellous coats!

All photography by Amelia Gregory.

Categories ,Amanda Byram, ,Corinaldo, ,Donna Air, ,Edith Bowman, ,Jewels in the Mist, ,Paul Costelloe, ,Simon Mclaren, ,Waldorf Hotel, ,yasmin le bon

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Amelia’s Magazine | LFW 09 – Kinder Aggugini – S/S 2010


In terms of what is “on trend, story ” being in the hub of LFW S/S 2010 at Somerset House, surrounded by statement shoes and tailoring, tells me I am not. These people speak a language I don’t understand. I have read the prospectus but not yet enrolled on the course.

The unusually warm climes on Saturday afternoon, teamed with my novice credentials, have heinously misinformed my wardrobe. To the point that not only am I perspiring away in last season’s floral dress, I’m not cranking up my body temperature even further by donning black studded leather. Fear not as the glass of bubbly upon arrival and promise of more freebies mildly erase the feeling that everybody around me is judging me for my vital statistics and (lack of) styling.

I file past the PR throng waving my golden Kinder Aggugini ticket praying they’ll not eject me for my lack of couture prowess and take my place to await my first ever catwalk show, hoping for ideas to smarten up my act in the fashion stakes.


There’s a bit of a wait. I’m guessing this is normal. To my entertainment during this enforced downtime – phone battery has died – the paparazzi have decided to do a flash dance around Yasmin Le Bon and Jasmine Guinness sitting in the front row opposite. After the initial onslaught of photography the pair endure, a belated single file of camera bearers trickle over to suss out the shot that they are missing out on. Hence, by the time the furore disperses, the shades are on!


Lights down and the festivities begin to deflating proportions – well, apart from the bizarre oversized Strawberry Shortcake hats. Pastel snake skin metallic dresses teamed with the classic Chanel suit jackets just doesn’t seem to be moving fashion forward. There were some nice pieces – I particularly liked the silhouette of the floor-length gold dress below, the nod to Tim Burton‘s warped interpretation of fairytales in the use of stripes and the South American inspired cutout fluoro fabrics above – but on the whole I was hoping for more inspiration to ignite my own stale sense of style.


Categories ,chanel, ,jasmine guiness, ,kinder aggugini, ,LFW 09, ,tim burton, ,yasmin le bon

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