Amelia’s Magazine | Katie Antoniou

Katie would like to learn how to sew a quilt that looks like a scrabble board, information pills discount read tarot cards and move things with her mind, buy more about but unfortunately she is too busy trying to be a real-life writer. She hopes that we run out of oil in her lifetime so that she can enjoy the post-apocalyptic fashion movement with everyone riding around on horses again and wearing a lot of leather. But in the mean time she will just go to Burning Man instead.She’s written for The Guardian,Dazed Digital and is contributing editor for She also likes to dress people up, specialising in vintage fashion,styling the likes of Gabby Young and Other Animals. Katie also does PR for artists she thinks are HAWT, like Tinsel Edwards,Twinkle Troughton and everyone at The Print Club London. You can read more of her musings on her blog;