Yorkshire right now is covered in snow. Its rocky walls, pill white capped, its sheep bleeting in the wind. “Bahhh”. Very picturesque, perfect for the nostalgic Victorian Christmas we’ve never seen. Hark! What’s that I can hear? Californian sounding guitar strumming, muffled notes, twinkly idealism? It’s like suddenly I’m on a balmy beach in the 60s with my good friends, Bruce and Summer. Splendid…splendid indeed. Who is this?
It’s the Spectrals, a chap from Yorkshire called Louis Jones. Brought up on a collection of 60s and 70s soul, Motown and doo-wop, alongside elements of garage rock, he’s created an amalgamation of genres in his bedroom. Essentially I would say Jones’ music is dreamy and rock and roll. A perfect antidote to sitting on your squidgy sofa with your pastry pies and chocolate cocktails washed down with warm wine. His voice sounds faintly tinny, old school and a whole world away from seasonal affective disorder. Let’s just for a second, remember what summer is… And now, what it is/could be like to live by the sea… yep, invigorating thoughts.
Originally from Heckmondwicke, West Yorkshire, Jones was in his first band aged 15. He used to record in his bedroom with his brother on drums, but now he has a professionally recorded album; Extended Play on Moshi Moshi Records. Recorded completely on analogue in a local studio, it sounds fresh and yet blurry. Reminding me of watching bands when I was 17, around pubs in Brighton and the countryside’s nether regions. It’s The Sea and Cake, The Beatles, The Beach Boys, Arctic Mokeys, Wild Beasts and Beach House. All a tiny bit off note and rolled up in a colourful knitted ensemble. It sounds very American immersed on the first listen, but then as you continue to surf about the room, it is much drier than Californian shiny pop, it’s harder, more pithy and actually, very English.
I caught up with Louis Jones fresh from his tour with Best Coast and asked him a few questions about his music.
Your music has a definite Californian glow to it. Where did you get your surfy sound inspiration from?
I realised that “surf” music was going to be really “cool”, so I made some songs with that kind of sound so I could be rich.
What would you say the music saying to its listeners?
I don’t want to say anything to the listener, the lyrics in the songs are
just about how I feel about a girl.
Do you think the 60s/70s music is preferable to now?
There’ll always be good music and there’ll always be rubbish music.
What does Yorkshire mean to you?
Yorkshire doesn’t mean anything to me, I was born here and it’s convenient
to stay here for now. I’m into both of those.
Who are you touring with at the moment
I just got back off tour with Best Coast, I love them.
Have you done any song writing whilst you have been on tour?
No I never seem to have time.
…This flippant, liberated attitude comes across in Jones’ music. He mixes the surf guitar, psychedelia and rock, before mottling the picture with glimpses of the English, trapped underneath in the exposure, adding a multi faceted quality to the Spectrals. Extended Play has got youth, attitude and style, without coming across as if it ever intended to produce such attributes.
Written by Helen Martin on Thursday December 9th, 2010 10:25 am
Vrooosh and we’re in. After a National Express journey from Bristol at 4.10pm we arrived immersed in the mighty traffic of London. From twit updates, viagra 60mg I was aware that the Amelia’s Magazine London team had spent the morning working hard whilst we’d been at work.
The lovely Matt Bramford, this site Amelia’s Fashion Editor working hard with a smile. Illustration by Gareth A Hopkins
Getting off the beloved bus, buy information pills we tubed to Bethnal Green Road, missing our bikes with all our hearts after we discovered we had got off at the wrong tube stop and had to walk the length of the road. When we got to 110 -ish I put on my heels and immediately inflicted a new set speed of slow on us. Then after apparently vacantly walking past the venue, we about turned and eventually arrived at 123 Bethnal Green Road at 8pm. And there we are- in.
It’s buzzing and I can see the feathered headdress and hear the sound of glorious music coming from the stage. 6 Day Riot are on stage and everyone is loving it. “Drink!” Vodka O flowing, blue bottled Adnams beers in hand – mutter to Charlie, he can’t hear me, the walls are bright and the buzz is loud. But we are smirking at each other, as the swirl of this internal world is clearly alleviating our hours of bus lethargy. There are beautiful outfits from where I want to find out, and make up perfection. I’m loving the wedges, flowing skirts, vintage fabrics and beautiful piled up and flowing hair. Breathing art of their own kind, everyone I want to know and only until midnight to do it. Um, let’s CHAT. Ze atmosphere is perfect for le chat… Bonjoir…
Charlie and I by Abby Wright – This illustration was a present for our families (I know) – but now you can see Charlie us both. In art form!
I meet Jess Furseth because we are looking at each other like we know each other, but don’t. It’s like online friend dating. How could this all go minus the screen? It’s fine of course. We natter about the world then pop downstairs with my curly haired man. There we meet Hannah Bullivant and her husband. Chat, chat, banter, banter – her husband is from Jersey too. Cue lots of Jersey yabbering then Jess,Hannah and I discuss the power of the WORD etc. There are tea cups about the place from earlier’s tea, cake and illustration session, and a comfy Chesterfield sofa for a second of sitting. This is when I briefly meet Amelia’s Dad. It’s all in the eyes! Lovely man.
Boosh and we’re chatting outside. Banter, banter. Then downstairs and the Lily Vanilli cake is being cut. I have a bite of Charlie’s and the white chocolate and sweet cake melts like pink heaven in my mouth. He swipes it away from my chops. Chat, chat. “Hello Amelia!” She’s wearing an amazing cape and gorgeous shoes. So nice to see her. “Fabulous PARTYY!”
Illustration of Amelia, lady of the night by Abby Wright
Chat to a couple of bloggers and see some of the splendid illustrators I speak to everyday. Everywhere I turn is enthusiasm and love for ART! Whilst Charlie is talking about his hair (apparently) to a table of chaps, I corner an illustrator with a goodie bag. I didn’t get one, but those who did had a Tatty Devine necklace, Dr Hauschka products, Pukka tea, a Moleskin notebook and other goodies in their possession. Jealous.
Contributor Sally Mumby- Croft snapping away. Illustration by Gareth A Hopkins
Squeal at Matt Bramford before spending the rest of the evening throwing shapes with Chazaroo, Hannah, her husband and the lovely Jess. C.L.A.S.S.I.C. tunes are spun out from The Pipettes and the Mystery Jets DJ. We take breaks outside and before long it all becomes a spinny blur of joy.
It would have been super to have chatted to EVERYONE, but to be honest I adored spending the evening with three fantastic new (now real-life – that’s right writers and Jersey 2) friends. That’s what it was about for me, relaxed fun and an appreciation for the creative and beautiful. I’m proud to be a part of Amelia’s Magazine and all who sail in her.
Vrooosh and we’re in. After a National Express journey from Bristol at 4.10pm we arrived immersed in the mighty traffic of London. From twit updates, approved I was aware that the Amelia’s Magazine London team had spent the morning working hard whilst we’d been at work.
The lovely Matt Bramford, Amelia’s Fashion Editor working hard with a smile. Illustration by Gareth A Hopkins
Getting off the beloved bus, we tubed to Bethnal Green Road, missing our bikes with all our hearts after we discovered we had got off at the wrong tube stop and had to walk the length of the road. When we got to 110 -ish I put on my heels and immediately inflicted a new set speed of slow on us. Then after apparently vacantly walking past the venue, we about turned and eventually arrived at 123 Bethnal Green Road at 8pm. And there we are- in.
It’s buzzing and I can see the feathered headdress and hear the sound of glorious music coming from the stage. 6 Day Riot are on stage and everyone is loving it. “Drink!” Vodka O flowing, blue bottled Adnams beers in hand – mutter to Charlie, he can’t hear me, the walls are bright and the buzz is loud. But we are smirking at each other, as the swirl of this internal world is clearly alleviating our hours of bus lethargy. There are beautiful outfits from where I want to find out, and make up perfection. I’m loving the wedges, flowing skirts, vintage fabrics and beautiful piled up and flowing hair. Breathing art of their own kind, everyone I want to know and only until midnight to do it. Um, let’s CHAT. Ze atmosphere is perfect for le chat… Bonjoir…
Charlie and I by Abby Wright – This illustration was a present for our families (I know) – but now you can see Charlie us both. In art form!
I meet Jess Furseth because we are looking at each other like we know each other, but don’t. It’s like online friend dating. How could this all go minus the screen? It’s fine of course. We natter about the world then pop downstairs with my curly haired man. There we meet Hannah Bullivant and her husband. Chat, chat, banter, banter – her husband is from Jersey too. Cue lots of Jersey yabbering then Jess,Hannah and I discuss the power of the WORD etc. There are tea cups about the place from earlier’s tea, cake and illustration session, and a comfy Chesterfield sofa for a second of sitting. This is when I briefly meet Amelia’s Dad. It’s all in the eyes! Lovely man.
Boosh and we’re chatting outside. Banter, banter. Then downstairs and the Lily Vanilli cake is being cut. I have a bite of Charlie’s and the white chocolate and sweet cake melts like pink heaven in my mouth. He swipes it away from my chops. Chat, chat. “Hello Amelia!” She’s wearing an amazing cape and gorgeous shoes. So nice to see her. “Fabulous PARTYY!”
Illustration of Amelia, lady of the night by Abby Wright
Chat to a couple of bloggers and see some of the splendid illustrators I speak to everyday. Everywhere I turn is enthusiasm and love for ART! Whilst Charlie is talking about his hair (apparently) to a table of chaps, I corner an illustrator with a goodie bag. I didn’t get one, but those who did had a Tatty Devine necklace, Dr Hauschka products, Pukka tea, a Moleskin notebook and other goodies in their possession. Jealous.
Contributor Sally Mumby- Croft snapping away. Illustration by Gareth A Hopkins
Squeal at Matt Bramford before spending the rest of the evening throwing shapes with Chazaroo, Hannah, her husband and the lovely Jess. C.L.A.S.S.I.C. tunes are spun out from The Pipettes and the Mystery Jets DJ. We take breaks outside and before long it all becomes a spinny blur of joy.
It would have been super to have chatted to EVERYONE, but to be honest I adored spending the evening with three fantastic new (now real-life – that’s right writers and Jersey 2) friends. That’s what it was about for me, relaxed fun and an appreciation for the creative and beautiful. I’m proud to be a part of Amelia’s Magazine and all who sail in her.
Photo by Annie Mole, flickr
Excitable, energised, excellent, ends.
Vrooosh and we’re in. After a National Express journey from Bristol at 4.10pm we arrived immersed in the mighty traffic of London. From twit updates, medical I was aware that the Amelia’s Magazine London team had spent the morning working hard whilst we’d been at work.
The lovely Matt Bramford, nurse Amelia’s Fashion Editor working hard with a smile. Illustration by Gareth A Hopkins
Getting off the beloved bus, we tubed to Bethnal Green Road, missing our bikes with all our hearts after we discovered we had got off at the wrong tube stop and had to walk the length of the road. When we got to 110 -ish I put on my heels and immediately inflicted a new set speed of slow on us. Then after apparently vacantly walking past the venue, we about turned and eventually arrived at 123 Bethnal Green Road at 8pm. And there we are- in.
It’s buzzing and I can see the feathered headdress and hear the sound of glorious music coming from the stage. 6 Day Riot are on stage and everyone is loving it. “Drink!” Vodka O flowing, blue bottled Adnams beers in hand – mutter to Charlie, he can’t hear me, the walls are bright and the buzz is loud. But we are smirking at each other, as the swirl of this internal world is clearly alleviating our hours of bus lethargy. There are beautiful outfits from where I want to find out, and make up perfection. I’m loving the wedges, flowing skirts, vintage fabrics and beautiful piled up and flowing hair. Breathing art of their own kind, everyone I want to know and only until midnight to do it. Um, let’s CHAT. Ze atmosphere is perfect for le chat… Bonjoir…
Charlie and I by Abby Wright – This illustration was a present for our families (I know) – but now you can see Charlie us both. In art form!
I meet Jess Furseth because we are looking at each other like we know each other, but don’t. It’s like online friend dating. How could this all go minus the screen? It’s fine of course. We natter about the world then pop downstairs with my curly haired man. There we meet Hannah Bullivant and her husband. Chat, chat, banter, banter – her husband is from Jersey too. Cue lots of Jersey yabbering then Jess,Hannah and I discuss the power of the WORD etc. There are tea cups about the place from earlier’s tea, cake and illustration session, and a comfy Chesterfield sofa for a second of sitting. This is when I briefly meet Amelia’s Dad. It’s all in the eyes! Lovely man.
Boosh and we’re chatting outside. Banter, banter. Then downstairs and the Lily Vanilli cake is being cut. I have a bite of Charlie’s and the white chocolate and sweet cake melts like pink heaven in my mouth. He swipes it away from my chops. Chat, chat. “Hello Amelia!” She’s wearing an amazing cape and gorgeous shoes. So nice to see her. “Fabulous PARTYY!”
Illustration of Amelia, lady of the night by Abby Wright
Chat to a couple of bloggers and see some of the splendid illustrators I speak to everyday. Everywhere I turn is enthusiasm and love for ART! Whilst Charlie is talking about his hair (apparently) to a table of chaps, I corner an illustrator with a goodie bag. I didn’t get one, but those who did had a Tatty Devine necklace, Dr Hauschka products, Pukka tea, a Moleskin notebook and other goodies in their possession. Jealous.
Contributor Sally Mumby- Croft snapping away. Illustration by Gareth A Hopkins
Squeal at Matt Bramford before spending the rest of the evening throwing shapes with Chazaroo, Hannah, her husband and the lovely Jess. C.L.A.S.S.I.C. tunes are spun out from The Pipettes and the Mystery Jets DJ. We take breaks outside and before long it all becomes a spinny blur of joy.
It would have been super to have chatted to EVERYONE, but to be honest I adored spending the evening with three fantastic new (now real-life – that’s right writers and Jersey 2) friends. That’s what it was about for me, relaxed fun and an appreciation for the creative and beautiful. I’m proud to be a part of Amelia’s Magazine and all who sail in her.
Vrooosh and we’re in. After a National Express journey from Bristol at 4.10pm we arrived immersed in the mighty traffic of London. From twit updates, more about I was aware that the Amelia’s Magazine London team had spent the morning working hard whilst we’d been at work.
The lovely Matt Bramford, stomach Amelia’s Fashion Editor working hard with a smile. Illustration by Gareth A Hopkins
Getting off the beloved bus, we tubed to Bethnal Green Road, missing our bikes with all our hearts after we discovered we had got off at the wrong tube stop and had to walk the length of the road. When we got to 110 -ish I put on my heels and immediately inflicted a new set speed of slow on us. Then after apparently vacantly walking past the venue, we about turned and eventually arrived at 123 Bethnal Green Road at 8pm. And there we are- in.
It’s buzzing and I can see the feathered headdress and hear the sound of glorious music coming from the stage. 6 Day Riot are on stage and everyone is loving it. “Drink!” Vodka O flowing, blue bottled Adnams beers in hand – mutter to Charlie, he can’t hear me, the walls are bright and the buzz is loud. But we are smirking at each other, as the swirl of this internal world is clearly alleviating our hours of bus lethargy. There are beautiful outfits from where I want to find out, and make up perfection. I’m loving the wedges, flowing skirts, vintage fabrics and beautiful piled up and flowing hair. Breathing art of their own kind, everyone I want to know and only until midnight to do it. Um, let’s CHAT. Ze atmosphere is perfect for le chat… Bonjoir…
Charlie and I by Abby Wright – This illustration was a present for our families (I know) – but now you can see Charlie us both. In art form!
I meet Jess Furseth because we are looking at each other like we know each other, but don’t. It’s like online friend dating. How could this all go minus the screen? It’s fine of course. We natter about the world then pop downstairs with my curly haired man. There we meet Hannah Bullivant and her husband. Chat, chat, banter, banter – her husband is from Jersey too. Cue lots of Jersey yabbering then Jess,Hannah and I discuss the power of the WORD etc. There are tea cups about the place from earlier’s tea, cake and illustration session, and a comfy Chesterfield sofa for a second of sitting. This is when I briefly meet Amelia’s Dad. It’s all in the eyes! Lovely man.
Boosh and we’re chatting outside. Banter, banter. Then downstairs and the Lily Vanilli cake is being cut. I have a bite of Charlie’s and the white chocolate and sweet cake melts like pink heaven in my mouth. He swipes it away from my chops. Chat, chat. “Hello Amelia!” She’s wearing an amazing cape and gorgeous shoes. So nice to see her. “Fabulous PARTYY!”
Illustration of Amelia, lady of the night by Abby Wright
Chat to a couple of bloggers and see some of the splendid illustrators I speak to everyday. Everywhere I turn is enthusiasm and love for ART! Whilst Charlie is talking about his hair (apparently) to a table of chaps, I corner an illustrator with a goodie bag. I didn’t get one, but those who did had a Tatty Devine necklace, Dr Hauschka products, Pukka tea, a Moleskin notebook and other goodies in their possession. Jealous.
Contributor Sally Mumby- Croft snapping away. Illustration by Gareth A Hopkins
Squeal at Matt Bramford before spending the rest of the evening throwing shapes with Chazaroo, Hannah, her husband and the lovely Jess. C.L.A.S.S.I.C. tunes are spun out from The Pipettes and the Mystery Jets DJ. We take breaks outside and before long it all becomes a spinny blur of joy.
It would have been super to have chatted to EVERYONE, but to be honest I adored spending the evening with three fantastic new (now real-life – that’s right writers and Jersey 2) friends. That’s what it was about for me, relaxed fun and an appreciation for the creative and beautiful. I’m proud to be a part of Amelia’s Magazine and all who sail in her.
Vrooosh and we’re in. After a National Express journey from Bristol at 4.10pm we arrived immersed in the mighty traffic of London. From twit updates, information pills I was aware that the Amelia’s Magazine London team had spent the morning working hard whilst we’d been at work.
The lovely Matt Bramford, Amelia’s Fashion Editor working hard with a smile. Illustration by Gareth A Hopkins
Getting off the beloved bus, we tubed to Bethnal Green Road, missing our bikes with all our hearts after we discovered we had got off at the wrong tube stop and had to walk the length of the road. When we got to 110 -ish I put on my heels and immediately inflicted a new set speed of slow on us. Then after apparently vacantly walking past the venue, we about turned and eventually arrived at 123 Bethnal Green Road at 8pm. And there we are- in.
It’s buzzing and I can see the feathered headdress and hear the sound of glorious music coming from the stage. 6 Day Riot are on stage and everyone is loving it. “Drink!” Vodka O flowing, blue bottled Adnams beers in hand – mutter to Charlie, he can’t hear me, the walls are bright and the buzz is loud. But we are smirking at each other, as the swirl of this internal world is clearly alleviating our hours of bus lethargy. There are beautiful outfits from where I want to find out, and make up perfection. I’m loving the wedges, flowing skirts, vintage fabrics and beautiful piled up and flowing hair. Breathing art of their own kind, everyone I want to know and only until midnight to do it. Um, let’s CHAT. Ze atmosphere is perfect for le chat… Bonjoir…
Charlie and I by Abby Wright – This illustration was a present for our families (I know) – but now you can see Charlie us both. In art form!
I meet Jess Furseth because we are looking at each other like we know each other, but don’t. It’s like online friend dating. How could this all go minus the screen? It’s fine of course. We natter about the world then pop downstairs with my curly haired man. There we meet Hannah Bullivant and her husband. Chat, chat, banter, banter – her husband is from Jersey too. Cue lots of Jersey yabbering then Jess,Hannah and I discuss the power of the word etc. There are tea cups about the place from earlier’s tea, cake and illustration session, and a comfy Chesterfield sofa for a second of sitting. This is when I briefly meet Amelia’s Dad. It’s all in the eyes! Lovely man.
Boosh and we’re chatting outside. Banter, banter. Then downstairs and the Lily Vanilli cake is being cut. I have a bite of Charlie’s and the white chocolate and sweet cake melts like pink heaven in my mouth. He swipes it away from my chops. Chat, chat. “Hello Amelia!” She’s wearing an amazing cape and gorgeous shoes. So nice to see her. “Fabulous PARTYY!”
Illustration of Amelia, lady of the night by Abby Wright
Chat to a couple of bloggers and see some of the splendid illustrators I speak to everyday. Everywhere I turn is enthusiasm and love for ART! Whilst Charlie is talking about his hair (apparently) to a table of chaps, I corner an illustrator with a goodie bag. I didn’t get one, but those who did had a Tatty Devine necklace, Dr Hauschka products, Pukka tea, a Moleskin notebook and other goodies in their possession. Jealous.
Contributor Sally Mumby- Croft snapping away. Illustration by Gareth A Hopkins
Squeal at Matt Bramford before spending the rest of the evening throwing shapes with Chazaroo, Hannah, her husband and the lovely Jess. C.L.A.S.S.I.C. tunes are spun out from The Pipettes and the Mystery Jets DJ. We take breaks outside and before long it all becomes a spinny blur of joy.
It would have been super to have chatted to EVERYONE, but to be honest I adored spending the evening with three fantastic new (now real-life – that’s right writers and Jersey 2) friends. That’s what it was about for me, relaxed fun and an appreciation for the creative and beautiful. I’m proud to be a part of Amelia’s Magazine and all who sail in her.
Vrooosh and we’re in. After a National Express journey from Bristol at 4.10pm we arrived immersed in the mighty traffic of London. From twit updates, sale I was aware that the Amelia’s Magazine London team had spent the morning working hard whilst i’d been sat at my rectangular Apple.
The lovely Matt Bramford, ed Amelia’s Fashion Editor working hard with a smile. Illustration by Gareth A Hopkins
Getting off the beloved bus, we tubed to Bethnal Green Road, missing our bikes with all our hearts after we discovered we had got off at the wrong tube stop and had to walk the length of the road. When we got to 110 -ish I put on my heels and immediately inflicted a new set speed of slow on us. Then after apparently vacantly walking past the venue, we about turned and eventually arrived at 123 Bethnal Green Road at 8pm. And there we are- in.
It’s buzzing and I can see the feathered headdress and hear the sound of glorious music coming from the stage. 6 Day Riot are on stage and everyone is loving it. “Drink!” Vodka O flowing, blue bottled Adnams beers in hand – mutter to Charlie, he can’t hear me, the walls are bright and the buzz is loud. But we are smirking at each other, as the swirl of this internal world is clearly alleviating our hours of bus lethargy. There are beautiful outfits from where I want to find out, and make up perfection. I’m loving the wedges, flowing skirts, vintage fabrics and beautiful piled up and flowing hair. Breathing art of their own kind, everyone I want to know and only until midnight to do it. Um, let’s CHAT. Ze atmosphere is perfect for le chat… Bonjoir…
Charlie and I by Abby Wright – This illustration was a present for our families (I know) – but now you can see Charlie us both. In art form!
I meet Jess Furseth because we are looking at each other like we know each other, but don’t. It’s like online friend dating. How could this all go minus the screen? It’s fine of course. We natter about the world then pop downstairs with my curly haired man. There we meet Hannah Bullivant and her husband. Chat, chat, banter, banter – her husband is from Jersey too. Cue lots of Jersey yabbering then Jess,Hannah and I discuss the power of the word etc. There are tea cups about the place from earlier’s tea, cake and illustration session, and a comfy Chesterfield sofa for a second of sitting. This is when I briefly meet Amelia’s Dad. It’s all in the eyes! Lovely man.
Boosh and we’re chatting outside. Banter, banter. Then downstairs and the Lily Vanilli cake is being cut. I have a bite of Charlie’s and the white chocolate and sweet cake melts like pink heaven in my mouth. He swipes it away from my chops. Chat, chat. “Hello Amelia!” She’s wearing an amazing cape and gorgeous shoes. So nice to see her. “Fabulous PARTYY!”
Illustration of Amelia, lady of the night by Abby Wright
Chat to a couple of bloggers and see some of the splendid illustrators I speak to everyday. Everywhere I turn is enthusiasm and love for ART! Whilst Charlie is talking about his hair (apparently) to a table of chaps, I corner an illustrator with a goodie bag. I didn’t get one, but those who did had a Tatty Devine necklace, Dr Hauschka products, Pukka tea, a Moleskin notebook and other goodies in their possession. Jealous.
Contributor Sally Mumby- Croft snapping away. Illustration by Gareth A Hopkins
Squeal at Matt Bramford before spending the rest of the evening throwing shapes with Chazaroo, Hannah, her husband and the lovely Jess. C.L.A.S.S.I.C. tunes are spun out from The Pipettes and the Mystery Jets DJ. We take breaks outside and before long it all becomes a spinny blur of joy.
It would have been super to have chatted to EVERYONE, but to be honest I adored spending the evening with three fantastic new (now real-life – that’s right writers and Jersey 2) friends. That’s what it was about for me, relaxed fun and an appreciation for the creative and beautiful. I’m proud to be a part of Amelia’s Magazine and all who sail in her.
Iron and Wine. Two great sources of, generic well, iron. And so it was I settled down with a glass of rouge to better test the mettle of this, Sam Beam’s fourth studio album. Would his steely sense of reinvention produce a varied bouquet to top 2007’s The Shepherd Dog? Ok, that’s enough Iron and Wine jokes. Or is it? Because as this full-bodied release unfolds, it becomes clear that Beam has incorporated a host of currently unfashionable influences into his music without a hint of iron-y.
The ever-inventive Beam has taken inspiration for this album by “mingling memories of his parents’ record collection and hits heard between the static of scanning the car radio on family drives”. Whether or not the album conjures up similar memories for you mainly depends on whether your parents were into the radio friendly 70s MOR of Fleetwood Mac, Elton John, Stevie Wonder et al. As it happens, mine were into Paul Simon, Bob Dylan and the Stones – however there’s definitely a touch of Still Crazy-era Paul Simon in the melodic cadences and caustic lyrics of this record.
It’s all good news for fans of the humble saxophone. Starting off with a low key slap bass and shakers, Me and Lazarus is maybe the biggest departure on the album for Beam, building as it does into 70’s Earth Wind and Fire-style funk, with spiraling sax solos.
Brass instruments are further put to good use in Big Burned Hand and Your Fake Name is Good Enough For Me, the latter’s almost Motown horn section contributing to an epic gospel track that ends with the refrain “We will become the glory and the guilt, the blossom and the wilt”. It’s a gorgeous sounding record, with probably Beam’s most accessible melodies to date backed by cinematic layers of sound and African and Caribbean rhythms.
The album’s centrepiece is the delicately textured Rabbit Will Run, with it’s combination of African thumb pianos, discordant electric guitar and flutes reminiscent of The Stones’ Ruby Tuesday. It’s a complex yet strikingly subtle sound, backing Beam’s warning that “a rabbit will run, if the lion has nothing to fear”.
Beam’s gentle poeticism has been compared to Cormac McCarthy, and it shines on this album, with his customary biblical undertones. In the more straightforward folk couplets of opener Walking Far From Home, he sings “I’ve seen sinners making music, and I’ve dreamt of that sound”.
It’s all come a long way from 2002’s lo-fi debut The Creek Drank the Cradle, when Beam was introduced to us as a folk singer in the mould of Bonny Prince Billy. His work is now more reminiscent of such willfully inventive multi-instumentalists as Sufjan Stevens, and, if he continues to be so open to inspiration, he has the scope to be regarded in the same class as, whisper it, the aforementioned Paul Simon.
When I listen to music it’s not generally the lyrics I hear first, and in fact you could often ask me about the lyrics of a favourite album many years down the line and I wouldn’t remember them. With me, it’s always the melody, and the artwork, that will stick in my mind – perhaps because I usually listen to music whilst I am working or driving or cooking, and I’m concentrating on something else at the same time. So, it’s a general feeling that grabs me first and foremost: am I unusual, I wonder, or do others feel the same? Anyway, as evidenced by Okkervil River‘s front man Will Sheff‘s answers to my questions, I should perhaps pay more attention to lyrics before putting together a Q&A. His new album The Silver Gymnasium came out last month, and features the usual full Okkervil River sound and grand melodies, but this time with a personal touch brought to the lyrical narrative. The album artwork, (including an interactive map) was created by long time friend William Schaff and is absolutely stunning. I was eager to find out more about their relationship and I finally managed to catch up with Will Sheff late last week…
Okkervil River by Neil Leonard. This was inspired by the lyrics on the new record and the 80′s time period the songs are set in.
I last interviewed you many years ago for the print version of Amelia’s Magazine – how has the band evolved since then?
How many years are we talking? I can’t tell you how the band has evolved without knowing the vintage Okkervil you’re talking about. I always try to allow things to change. It feels like the most natural and least forced way to do things. Things should change, and it’s nice when a new member comes in and without especially meaning to the band kind of drifts into a different stylistic direction. I try to encourage and invite that.
What defines your sound?
I guess one thing all our records have in common, from Stars Too Small to Use to The Silver Gymnasium, is that I enjoy mixing electric and electronic textures with acoustic ones, I favour a strong songwriting perspective, and I want people to feel it.
I absolutely love the artwork for the new album – what was the process of producing this?
I work with William Schaff as often as time and scale permit, and he and I have now grown up together aesthetically as well as personally and we really get each other. Will also grew up in New England in the 1980s, so we have many of the same reference points, which I think made our collaboration on this record even more personal than usual.
What does the gigantic lizard signify?
That’s an amphibian called a Red Eft. They’re common in New Hampshire. When orange, as it appears on our album art, it’s in the so-called “terrestrial juvenile” stage, where it lives on land, mostly on the forest floor in deciduous woods. Later in life it turns green, gets a little larger, and gets some webbing between its limbs. After that it spends the rest of its life in the water.
The album is inspired by your childhood – what were the best and worst memories of your pre-adolescence?
I feel like most of what I wanted to say about my childhood is there in the album. Furthermore, I’m not sure I made this record because I wanted to say anything about my childhood so much as I made it because I wanted to talk about nostalgia and about childhood in general, and it felt more productive to use my own childhood as the model. The idea that I’m trying to make everyone in the world pay attention to my own personal childhood is an idea that makes me uncomfortable. My childhood was the same as anyone else’s, give or take.
Why did you decide to write an autobiographical album this time around?
Because I wanted to put something of personal value on the table in order to raise the stakes for my own writing.
Okkervil River by Valeria Avantario. When I decided to create an illustration for the band Okkervil River, I was really intrigued because I hadn’t heard them before. I was curious to discover the melody behind that peculiar, almost fairy-like name. My intention was to simply let the music guide me. I immersed myself into the river, the flow of memories, fragments of life, old things. When I re-emerged, I run to the blank paper without hesitation and tried to translate my own impressions into an image which I hope will do justice to Okkervil River‘s softly melancholic music.
Are all the photos featured in the artwork video from your family album? What three words best define your childhood?
Again, this is a difficult question to answer. I’m not sure you could answer it, for instance. Could you? And if you could, how meaningful is it to reduce your childhood to three words? And again, if all that came from this record would be this vague idea that “Will wants to talk about his childhood,” I would feel like I failed somehow.
What would you recommend to a visitor in your home town of Meriden, NH? For us UK based fans, what was it like as a place to grow up? It looks beautiful (and your van is great too)
Growing up in a small town is great. I would recommend that, for sure. But if, for example, anyone wanted to move to Meriden because of The Silver Gymnasium I would probably kill myself. I want it to stay exactly the way it is.
Okkervil River by Colin Mayhew. When I draw an illustration that is inspired by music I tend to draw images that pop into my head whilst listening to the band. Whilst listening to Okkervil River I felt that some of the music was quite nostalgic and other tracks optimistic I wanted my image to have a sense of both. All the greenery and colourful trees gives you a sense of optimism but the isolation of the buildings hints at the nostalgia in the music.
What is the Solid Ghost?
That comes from a line in Down Down the Deep River where I talk about running away from home.
Why the Lake of the Strangled Crane?
That comes from a line in Walking Without Frankie where I’m describing a lake. William Schaff turned that lake into a beaver pond that was in the middle of the town I grew up in.