Amelia’s Magazine | Camberwell College of Arts: Ovo Show Illustration Graduate Show 2011 Review – Downstairs 1

Illustration by Alice Stanley.

Now, dosage finally, it’s time for my second round of blog posts featuring the best of Ovo Show from Camberwell College of Arts illustration graduates (read the first review of Ovo Show here). This time let’s head downstairs at the Red Gallery. I’m going to have to split this into two because it’s such a beast…

Camberwell College of Art illustration graduate show 2011-Sam TaylorCamberwell College of Art illustration graduate show 2011-sam taylorCamberwell College of Art illustration graduate show 2011-sam taylorCamberwell College of Art illustration graduate show 2011-sam taylor
Turning into the cavernous downstairs space it was the work of Sam Taylor that grabbed my attention – nutty vignettes of a splodgyily painted bird on a skateboard, floating boobs (not sure what that means!) and portraits of gnarled and wrinkled characters against primary coloured backgrounds. His is a land where beards hold the same intellect as brains.

Camberwell College of Art illustration graduate show 2011-Tom Dorkin Camberwell College of Art illustration graduate show 2011-Tom Dorkin
Across the way Tom Dorkin had created some beautiful fine line drawings of some equally idiosynrcratic characters: a sailor checked his binoculars as his woollen jumper unraveled. He had also dissected a plane and a ship in fine detail. Follow Tom Dorkin on Twitter.

Camberwell College of Art illustration graduate show 2011-Iriini Kalliomaki Camberwell College of Art illustration graduate show 2011-Iriini Kalliomaki Camberwell College of Art illustration graduate show 2011-Iriini Kalliomaki Camberwell College of Art illustration graduate show 2011-Iriini Kalliomaki
Iriini Kalliomaki specialised in oddball characters, created in tiny perfection from what looked like paper mache – twins, a big haired granny, pouchy cheeked man with an apron – all placed in photographic situations for her book The Racing Granny. Also on display was the flying car in which Granny races.

Camberwell College of Art illustration graduate show 2011-Gemma Whittaker Camberwell College of Art illustration graduate show 2011-Gemma Whittaker
Gemma Whittaker produced some pretty ceramic bowls featuring daubed drawings of cats and elephants.

Megan Sinclair Georgy Porgy cards
Megan Sinclair Georgy Porgy rats
Megan Sinclair Georgy Porgy
Megan Sinclair‘s 3D paper cutouts featured rat racing, a card game and a boy in a garage being yelled at by his mum. The vignettes were taken from Roald Dahl‘s Georgy Porgy, a short story for adults. Follow Megan Sinclair on Twitter.

Camberwell College of Art illustration graduate show 2011-Bea WilsonCamberwell College of Art illustration graduate show 2011-Bea Wilson

Bea Wilson had produced an enigmatic fill, Arkham, which was inspired by fictional landscapes.

Camberwell College of Art illustration graduate show 2011-Hollie Limer Camberwell College of Art illustration graduate show 2011-Hollie Limer
Hollie Limer also played with paper cutouts, which she had placed inside a darkened room to create an eery monotone landscape… I think they were supposed to be seen by moody candlelight but the set was pitch black when I visited.

Camberwell College of Art illustration graduate show 2011-Karin Söderquist Camberwell College of Art illustration graduate show 2011-Karin Söderquist Camberwell College of Art illustration graduate show 2011-Karin Söderquist Camberwell College of Art illustration graduate show 2011-Karin Söderquist
Also on the paper front Karin Söderquist showed a large pipe smoking man and a traditional Scandinavian scene. Very clean and cool.

alice_stanley_Camberwell College of Art illustration graduate show 2011-alice_stanley_Camberwell College of Art illustration graduate show 2011-alice_stanley_
Alice Stanley‘s narrative pencil drawings were very different from her wonderful knitted animals, much more moody and evocative than a cute little mouse, but then I imagine that knitting was a bit of a relaxing respite from school work.

Rosie Eveleigh wavesRosie Eveleigh Satre NauseaRosie EveleighCamberwell College of Art illustration graduate show 2011-Rosie EveleighCamberwell College of Art illustration graduate show 2011-Camberwell College of Art illustration graduate show 2011-Rosie EveleighCamberwell College of Art illustration graduate show 2011-Camberwell College of Art illustration graduate show 2011-Rosie EveleighCamberwell College of Art illustration graduate show 2011-Camberwell College of Art illustration graduate show 2011-Rosie Eveleigh
Rosie Eveleigh did some awesome abstract work on paper, ceramics and on mini hanging woven carpets. I think the textile design seen in the last photo is also hers. Someone tell me if it isn’t!

UPDATE: The final picture shows work by Hannah Whitfield (she really needs to get that website going on!)

Still one more blog to go…

Categories ,3D, ,Alice Stanley, ,Arkham, ,Bea Wilson, ,Camberwell College of Arts, ,ceramics, ,film, ,Gemma Whittaker, ,Georgy Porgy, ,Hannah Whitfield, ,Hollie Limer, ,Iriini Kalliomaki, ,Karin Söderquist, ,knit, ,Ovo Show, ,Papercut, ,Red Gallery, ,Roald Dahl, ,Rosie Eveleigh, ,Sam Taylor, ,Scandinavian, ,textiles, ,Tom Dorkin

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Amelia’s Magazine | Camberwell College of Arts: Ovo Show Illustration Graduate Show 2011 Review – Downstairs 2

Camberwell College of Art illustration graduate show 2011-Anna Suwalowska
Illustration by Anna Suwalowska.

Now for the final round up of the best of Ovo Show from Camberwell College of Arts illustration graduates.

Penny Klein workoutwaterfall
Penny Klein
Penny Klein used simple swathes of paint to create abstract landscapes.

Camberwell College of Art illustration graduate show 2011-Callum Mclean
I liked Callum Mclean‘s delicate housing blocks with the features of a face.

Camberwell College of Art illustration graduate show 2011-Jennifer Crouch Camberwell College of Art illustration graduate show 2011-Jennifer Crouch
Crossing rock formations with intimate slicings of anatomy, mind Jennifer Crouch splashed semi abstract drawings across ceramics and fabric chair coverings. Very appealing, but in a slightly strange way.

Camberwell College of Art illustration graduate show 2011-Alice Devine
Camberwell College of Art illustration graduate show 2011-Alice Devine
Alice Devine was on the stall downstairs when I bought my Alice Stanley knitted bear so we had a bit of a chat, during which I was most distressed to learn that this is the last year that the Camberwell Ceramics degree course will run… for it is closing down and illustration students will no longer be able to experiment with intriguing ceramic applications for their drawings. Sad days indeed.

Camberwell College of Art illustration graduate show 2011-Alice Devine
Her fun illustrations are based around idiosyncratic narratives – the poster for sale featured a selection of famous figures named John. Follow Alice Devine on Twitter.

Camberwell College of Art illustration graduate show 2011-Anna SuwalowskaCamberwell College of Art illustration graduate show 2011-Anna SuwalowskaCamberwell College of Art illustration graduate show 2011-Anna Suwalowska
Anna Suwalowska‘s work quite simply took my breath away. Her surreal vision of hell was full of interesting oddball detail.

Camberwell College of Art illustration graduate show 2011-Anna SuwalowskaCamberwell College of Art illustration graduate show 2011-Anna SuwalowskaCamberwell College of Art illustration graduate show 2011-Anna Suwalowska
In front of this an installation called The Trapped Mind was inspired by Kafka’s novel The Trial – inside the giant head a labyrinth conveyed the absurdity, angst and helplessness of life. Amazing. Follow Anna Suwalowska on Twitter.

Tendayi VineCamberwell College of Art illustration graduate show 2011-Tendayi Vine
Next door there was some fine prints and soothing landscape abstracts from Tendayi Vine.

Kunyalala NdlovuCamberwell College of Art illustration graduate show 2011-Kunyalala Ndlovu
Kunyalala Ndlovu had created bright Afrographics, inspired by a life spent with one foot in Africa and one in Europe. Follow Kunyalala Ndlovu on Twitter.

Morgane Parma geological changes
Morgane Parma tree of life
Morgane Parma woodpecker
Morgane Parma was inspired by science and literature to create this set of intriguing images. Follow Morgane Parma on Twitter.

Camberwell College of Art illustration graduate show 2011-Katie Wheeler
Katie Wheeler looked at Cephalopods to create her installation, riffing on their ability to change texture and colour

Camberwell College of Art illustration graduate show 2011-Alice RocheCamberwell College of Art illustration graduate show 2011-Alice Roche
Camberwell College of Art illustration graduate show 2011-Alice Roche
Alice Roche used germ facts as a basis for her range of germ embroidered hankies, table clothes and printed mugs.

Phew! I think that’s Camberwell done… Don’t forget to check back in with Ovo Show review one and Ovo Show review two before you leave… now to tackle the multitude of other shows I’ve yet to write up….

Categories ,Afrographics, ,Alice Devine, ,Alice Roche, ,Anna Suwalowska, ,Callum Mclean, ,Camberwell College of Arts, ,Cephalopods, ,ceramics, ,embroidery, ,Fort Rixon, ,Franz Kafka, ,installation, ,Jennifer Crouch, ,Katie Wheeler, ,Kunyalala Ndlovu, ,Morgane Parma, ,Ovo Show, ,Penny Klein, ,Tendayi Vine, ,The Trapped Mind, ,The Trial

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Amelia’s Magazine | Camberwell College of Arts: Ovo Show Illustration Graduate Show 2011 Review – Upstairs

Camberwell College of Art illustration graduate show 2011

The Camberwell College of Art illustration show was by far my very favourite graduate illustration degree show to attend this year… I loved almost everything on display at Ovo Show, troche and they’ve also improved radically in terms of communication and promotion since last year’s Save Our Souls – many of them seem to be on twitter, visit they’ve held a sale of work to benefit Art Against Knives, and they had a wonderful stall where it was possible to buy prints, hand made books and even some knitted creatures by Alice Stanley (like I could resist!)

Camberwell College of Art illustration graduate show 2011-Alice Stanley Camberwell College of Art illustration graduate show 2011-Alice Stanley bear

The folks manning the sales stand were utterly charming and on the case: tweeting me after we met. All the work was well labelled, with a website next to the name. Everyone had a website! Really, I get very excited about these small things. First up: upstairs.

Camberwell College of Art illustration graduate show 2011-Natalie Kay-ThatcherCamberwell College of Art illustration graduate show 2011-Natalie Kay-Thatcher
Natalie Kay-Thatcher asked How to Start a Feynman? inspired by Richard Feynmans books about his scientific work. In her well presented wall panel she illustrated the formation of a scientist’s mind.

Cressida Knapp social unrest inflaming
Cressida Knapp ai weiweiCamberwell College of Art illustration graduate show 2011-Cressida Knapp Camberwell College of Art illustration graduate show 2011-Cressida Knapp
Cressida Knapp‘s work had already caught my eye online: with a series of images illustrating everything from vikings to spacemen to Ai Wei Wei. She’d also created a series of paper mache heads, displayed in a row.

Camberwell College of Art illustration graduate show 2011-Cressida Knapp
Cressida Knapp Aurora and the Moon Man
Cressida Knapp Aurora and the Moon Man
She’s interested in current affairs, which of course tickles me no end, and I love her dream like illustrations for Aurora and the Moon Man.

Chloe SimosCamberwell College of Art illustration graduate show 2011-Chloe SimosCamberwell College of Art illustration graduate show 2011-Chloe SimosCamberwell College of Art illustration graduate show 2011-Chloe Simoschloe simou_mandrill_2011
Chloe Simos created wonderful portraits of women – with long pigtails and embroidered shawls, with feathered headdress and medallions, with a banjo. Wonderfully patterned in just a few colours. The base of a lithograph worked especially well on the wall. And I LOVE her monkey.

Camberwell College of Art illustration graduate show 2011-Andy BarronCamberwell College of Art illustration graduate show 2011-Andy Barron
Andy Barron did bold book jacket designs for some famous novels.

Camberwell College of Art illustration graduate show 2011-Liam Cobb
Liam Cobb did some wonderful designs for Coral City and The Cab Driver.

Camberwell College of Art illustration graduate show 2011-Rosie Chamberlain Camberwell College of Art illustration graduate show 2011-Rosie Chamberlain
Camberwell College of Art illustration graduate show 2011-Rosie Chamberlain
Rosie Chamberlain splashed great swathes of bright colours to create watery illustrations.

Jimmy Patrick Four Riders of the Apocalypse
Camberwell College of Art illustration graduate show 2011-Jimmy Patrick
Camberwell College of Art illustration graduate show 2011-Jimmy Patrick
Inspired by plate techtonics Jimmy Patrick had made a bulging 3D quilt for his final piece, and next door he showed some outlaws on wooden animals, Four Riders of the Apocalypse.

Watch Fault Line up close in this fab video.

Camberwell College of Art illustration graduate show 2011-Sophy Hollington Camberwell College of Art illustration graduate show 2011-Sophy Hollington Camberwell College of Art illustration graduate show 2011-Sophy Hollington
Camberwell College of Art illustration graduate show 2011-Sophy Hollington
Sophy Hollington displayed some fantastic work from the book How the Dead Will Live.

Camberwell College of Art illustration graduate show 2011-Sophy Hollington
Her poster for Mazes was absolutely gorgeous: weird and eye catching. She is a printmaker who looks for the magic in everyday life.

Camberwell College of Art illustration graduate show 2011-James Cartwright
James Cartwright had done a gorgeous grahpic lino cut for an album sleeve.

Camberwell College of Art illustration graduate show 2011-Harriet Cory-Wright
Harriet Cory-Wright had done some fine line geometric abstracts.

Camberwell College of Art illustration graduate show 2011-Lizzie Scarlett Towndrow Camberwell College of Art illustration graduate show 2011-Lizzie Scarlett Towndrow
Camberwell College of Art illustration graduate show 2011-Lizzie Scarlett Towndrow
Lizzie Scarlett Towndrow works in 3D with fabric and for the exhibition had created a huge bear figure – see the diagramatic drawings of his conception on Lizzie’s blog – as well as a patchwork chair and hanging.

No One Belongs Here More Than You tamsin nagel
tamsin nagel parasitic wasp
Tamsin Nagel worked in fine pencil to create a weird other world, where elephants roam suburbia.

Camberwell College of Art illustration graduate show 2011-Philippe FennerCamberwell College of Art illustration graduate show 2011-Camberwell College of Art illustration graduate show 2011-Philippe FennerCamberwell College of Art illustration graduate show 2011-Camberwell College of Art illustration graduate show 2011-Philippe Fenner
Camberwell College of Art illustration graduate show 2011-Camberwell College of Art illustration graduate show 2011-Philippe FennerCamberwell College of Art illustration graduate show 2011-Philippe Fenner
Philippe Fenner‘s red and black work was inspired by football teams of yore.

Thomas Slater-happy-hour-at-home thomas-slater-our-beige-world-french-revolution-
Thomas Slater‘s work used minimal colour ways to create bold images.

Camberwell College of Art illustration graduate show 2011-kyle platt
Kyle Platts showed bizarre illustrations, inspired by McBess and James Unsworth. I liked his red man.

Next up my review of the work downstairs at the Ovo Show, held at the Red Gallery.

Categories ,2011, ,3D, ,Ai Wei Wei, ,Alice Stanley, ,Andy Barron, ,Art Against Knives, ,Aurora and the Moon Man, ,Bear, ,Book Design, ,Camberwell College of Arts, ,Chloe Simos, ,Chloe Simou, ,Coral City, ,Cressida Knapp, ,Fault Line, ,Four Riders of the Apocalypse, ,Graduate Shows, ,Harriet Cory-Wright, ,How the Dead Will Live, ,How to Start a Feynman?, ,illustration, ,James Cartwright, ,James Unsworth, ,Kyle Platts, ,Liam Cobb, ,Lizzie Scarlett Towndrow, ,Mazes, ,Natalie Kay-Thatcher, ,Ovo Show, ,Paper Mache, ,Patchwork, ,Philippe Fenner, ,Red Gallery, ,review, ,Richard Feynman, ,Rosie Chamberlain, ,Save Our Souls, ,Sophy Hollington, ,Tamsin Nagel, ,The Cab Driver, ,Thomas Slater

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