Amelia’s Magazine | London Fashion Week S/S 2011 Catwalk Review: Charlie Le Mindu (by Matt)

Illustration by Lea Wade

If you’ve seen Amelia’s post about Charlie Le Mindu’s show yesterday, you’ll already know what you’re in for. But allow me to indulge myself because we can’t possibly harp on enough about this show…

When I was a lad, Sundays were reserved for attending church (occasionally), watching The Waltons and generally relaxing or playing with my Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle action figures. My, how things have changed. My most recent Sunday – yesterday – was spent gawking at vaginas. Bit of a difference, eh?

I absolutely love Charlie Le Mindu, that’s no secret and I recently had the chance to have a chat with him. He’s a welcome addition to the London Fashion Week line-up in that he has absolutely no shame and heaps of daring talent.

Last season’s show was a spectacle enough, and my imagination had run wild with what he might show this season (little did I know he’d show literally EVERYTHING this bloody season).

Illustration by Lea Wade

As the show started and the first model appeared to excited whoops, I thought – hmmm, I like it, it’s fun; love that candy-floss pink porno wig, love the lamp on her head. That human hair mankini she’s just about wearing is daring, could have done with a bit of work around the bikini line though, love. But overall, I was a teeny tiny bit disappointed. Well, I need not have been.

When the first absolutely starkers model appeared, wearing only a huge brimmed hat and carrying a bag in the crook of her arm, I actually caught myself mouthing OH MY GOD. To myself. Exaggeratedly. I was, yet again, rendered speechless. He’d done it – he’d dared to do what few others would; he’d shocked us in a ‘OMG-she-has-no-hair-down-there’ kind of way. I haven’t seen one of them for years and after yesterdays show, I’d like never to see one again, please. That’s enough for me. You can keep ‘em, ta very much.

What I most adore about Mr Le Mindu is that his shows aren’t really about fashion. They’re not about what’s on trend this season blah blah blah, but about taking an idea and really making it exciting.

After last season’s sexed up religious collection, it seems this season was all about porn stars – an homage, in fact, to the ladies of the adult movie industry of Los Angeles. Hence tacky candy-floss wigs, crude bob cuts, curls that covered bare chests (what is it with me and nudity this fashion week? Totally wasted on me), cartoon-like tailoring and the show piece: a huge pink perspex Hollywood sign hat. As you do.

Even though I seem to be doing it a lot, it’s not fair just to go on about the quantity of arse and tit, because I actually think that Charlie’s more modest creations (modest in the sense that they cover said arse and tit, not modest in a conservative way) are really good. The flamingo halter-neck piece with a huge bum and the floor-length numbers that cacoon models from head to toe are nothing short of genius. They’re totally unique on a somewhat perpetual catwalk line-up.

Oh, who am I kidding. This is sex, sex, sex at it’s best. I bloody loved it and I am counting the days until Charlie’s A/W 2011 show already. Can I suggest, though, that you cover up the crown jewels next time, please? Maybe with the odd human-hair merkin? Oh, the irony…

All photography by Matt Bramford

You might have noticed that I have omitted any photographs featuring vaginas. I cannot possibly edit them at work, because this would probably result in a series of cardiac arrests and my P45. To see them, check out Amelia’s review here.

Categories ,C U Next Tuesday, ,Candy floss, ,Charlie le Mindu, ,Hair, ,Hollywood, ,Merkin, ,onoff, ,Porn Stars, ,The Waltons, ,Tits, ,Vaginas, ,Victoria House

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Amelia’s Magazine | London Fashion Week S/S 2011 Catwalk Review: Charlie Le Mindu (by Matt)

Illustration by Lea Wade

If you’ve seen Amelia’s post about Charlie Le Mindu’s show yesterday, approved adiposity you’ll already know what you’re in for. But allow me to indulge myself because we can’t possibly harp on enough about this show…

When I was a lad, visit web Sundays were reserved for attending church (occasionally), price watching The Waltons and generally relaxing or playing with my Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle action figures. My, how things have changed. My most recent Sunday – yesterday – was spent gawking at vaginas. Bit of a difference, eh?

I absolutely love Charlie Le Mindu, that’s no secret and I recently had the chance to have a chat with him. He’s a welcome addition to the London Fashion Week line-up in that he has absolutely no shame and heaps of daring talent.

Last season’s show was a spectacle enough, and my imagination had run wild with what he might show this season (little did I know he’d show literally EVERYTHING this bloody season).

Illustration by Lea Wade

As the show started and the first model appeared to excited whoops, I thought – hmmm, I like it, it’s fun; love that candy-floss pink porno wig, love the lamp on her head. That human hair mankini she’s just about wearing is daring, could have done with a bit of work around the bikini line though, love. But overall, I was a teeny tiny bit disappointed. Well, I need not have been.

When the first absolutely starkers model appeared, wearing only a huge brimmed hat and carrying a bag in the crook of her arm, I actually caught myself mouthing OH MY GOD. To myself. Exaggeratedly. I was, yet again, rendered speechless. He’d done it – he’d dared to do what few others would; he’d shocked us in a ‘OMG-she-has-no-hair-down-there’ kind of way. I haven’t seen one of them for years and after yesterdays show, I’d like never to see one again, please. That’s enough for me. You can keep ‘em, ta very much.

What I most adore about Mr Le Mindu is that his shows aren’t really about fashion. They’re not about what’s on trend this season blah blah blah, but about taking an idea and really making it exciting.

After last season’s sexed up religious collection, it seems this season was all about porn stars – an homage, in fact, to the ladies of the adult movie industry of Los Angeles. Hence tacky candy-floss wigs, crude bob cuts, curls that covered bare chests (what is it with me and nudity this fashion week? Totally wasted on me), cartoon-like tailoring and the show piece: a huge pink perspex Hollywood sign hat. As you do.

Even though I seem to be doing it a lot, it’s not fair just to go on about the quantity of arse and tit, because I actually think that Charlie’s more modest creations (modest in the sense that they cover said arse and tit, not modest in a conservative way) are really good. The flamingo halter-neck piece with a huge bum and the floor-length numbers that cacoon models from head to toe are nothing short of genius. They’re totally unique on a somewhat perpetual catwalk line-up.

Oh, who am I kidding. This is sex, sex, sex at it’s best. I bloody loved it and I am counting the days until Charlie’s A/W 2011 show already. Can I suggest, though, that you cover up the crown jewels next time, please? Maybe with the odd human-hair merkin? Oh, the irony…

All photography by Matt Bramford

You might have noticed that I have omitted any photographs featuring vaginas. I cannot possibly edit them at work, because this would probably result in a series of cardiac arrests and my P45. To see them, check out Amelia’s review here.

Categories ,C U Next Tuesday, ,Candy floss, ,Charlie le Mindu, ,Hair, ,Hollywood, ,Merkin, ,onoff, ,Porn Stars, ,The Waltons, ,Tits, ,Vaginas, ,Victoria House

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