Amelia’s Magazine | Our Garden Birds: An Interview with Illustrator and Author Matt Sewell

our garden birds matt sewell
Our Garden Birds by illustrator and bird enthusiast Matt Sewell was published a few months ago with Ebury Press. Collating together his inimitable drawings and quirky writings for cult website Caught by the River, this book is a beautiful paen to our feathered friends. I predict that it will generate many a new twitcher in the back garden and local parks… Matt described to me his love for birds and how he makes his gorgeous artwork.

our garden birds matt sewell
Why are birds so important?
I focused my work on birds a few years ago after I took some time out and went travelling with my girlfriend. I needed to re-address what I was doing and needed to bring the soul back into my work that had got lost by doing too much commercial work and trying to impress the in-crowd. My work has always had a focus on nature but British birds have been cropping up through-out since day one without me really realising. Being a bit of a spotter since a kid they’ve always had a special place in my heart, I have loads of good memories of family and holidays associated with them. I honestly get such a buzz by seeing a new bird or even something really common, seeing a jay can put me in a good mood all day. Also with poring over bird books for years I couldn’t help but humanify and mystify birds that I have never seen. I channelled all this positivity and love into my work and have been having a great journey ever since.

our garden birds matt sewell
What is your favourite bird and why?
Like records, colours and ales my favourite changes by the week. At the mo it is all about goldfinches, the young have fledged and are all hanging out and having fun. I’m seeing groups of about 10 all scuttling about and having a laugh, plus they really remind me of my girls so that always nice.

our garden birds matt sewell
What is your process when you draw?
I’ll have a look through my favourite bird books and maybe have a look at Google Image just to know I’m getting the basic markings in the right place. I think about the bird’s nature and character and decide how he is going to look and get to it. But really when I draw a bird I try to do it as quick as possible so I can capture a character within it.

our garden birds matt sewell
When do you remember them first becoming important to you?
My earliest memory is hiding in my mam and dad’s bed as a jackdaw flew around the room. It had somehow got down the chimney, shit everywhere and then made it’s way up stairs to scare the living daylights out of me and my sister. When I was about 4 or 5 we moved to an old mill that was really a small farm, and I got kind of obsessed with nature from then really. But my first real recollection of birds becoming a big part in my life was when some swallows nested just above our front door. I clearly remember being blown away by them, the power and just sheer magic of them in flight, their song which I could never forget and the muddy nest that they made. Sometimes my dad would set up a step ladder and we’d have a look at the chicks. Very special memories.

our garden birds matt sewell
Why did you decide to write your own quirky descriptions to accompany the illustrations?
The book originated from my Bird of the Week contribution to the Caught By The River blog. I originally just wanted to contribute to CBTR because I loved it so much, such a lovely and inspiring site and originally I was just going to paint a bird that I loved or had spotted that week. So when I painted the Bluetit (my first) I thought I had got a lot of character in him but I didn’t think I had got across all my love for him so I wrote a sentence or two. As the contributions continued my writing grew longer and more confident and the book naturally took form from that.

our garden birds matt sewell
How did you hook up with caught by the river and then with Ebury?
Jeff Barrett from Heavenly Records and CBTR got in touch initially through a mutual friend of ours, Paul Tomlinson. He was after a new logo designing for CBTR and he was really into a logo I had done for a site me and Tomo had set up called The Wooden Branch. Which is basically a site for people who love trees to put up pictures and explanations of their favourite ones from around the world, it’s a lovely idea but didn’t take off… nice logo though if I say so myself. Anyway I worked with Jeff on a few things and then continued with the Bird of the Week contribution to the blog. After a only a few birds Jeff saw the potential of it turning into a book; they had already had a book out called A Collection of Words on Water and there were a few others in the pipeline. Initial interest was good and it was with a big publishers for a year with them farting about with it before they dropped it. Which is when Ebury Press picked it up and the whole process has been a complete joy ever since.

our garden birds matt sewell
What have you been teaching your little girl about birds?
One of her first words was ‘owl‘ which was absolutely amazing. She has known pigeons and made their ‘coo‘ since she was about 10 months. She’s two now and points out robins and blackbirds, I’m not certain but today I’m sure she pointed out a goldfinch and off course I’m going to say she did!

our garden birds matt sewell
What bird would you most like to draw from real life that you have not yet had an opportunity to do so?
I’d love to spot and jot a Lammergeier, they scare the absolute bejesus out of me and have done ever since I saw an illustration of one in a book at school: it was of a Heidi-looking type girl in the Alps getting attacked and carried away by one. They’re one of the most unearthly looking birds out there. When I was in Australia, the one that kept getting away was a Crimson Finch, he looks dope. But really I’d love to spend a bit of time with a Waxwing, those buggers have been avoiding me for years.

our garden birds matt sewell
Our Garden Birds by Matt Sewell is out now on Ebury Press, and you can also get a trio of limited edition wooden birds on the V&A website.

Categories ,A Collection of Words on Water, ,Bird of the Week, ,birds, ,Bluetit, ,book, ,Caught By The River, ,Crimson Finch, ,Ebury Press, ,Heavenly Records, ,illustration, ,interview, ,Jackdaw, ,Jeff Barrett, ,Matt Sewell, ,Our Garden Birds, ,Paul Tomlinson, ,review, ,The Wooden Branch

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Amelia’s Magazine | An interview with Lee May Foster-Wilson of Bonbi Forest

Equus Scarf Print by Bonbi Forest
Equus Scarf by Bonbi Forest.

I fell in love with the artwork and treats of Lee May Foster-Wilson’s Bonbi Forest many years ago, look so it seemed only right to catch up and find out what inspires this talented lady.

Dark is the Night Slouch Sweater by Bonbi Forest
Dark is the Night Slouch Sweater by Bonbi Forest.

Where did your name come from and what does it mean?
Bonbi Forest is an amalgamation of a few different things. Forest is an anagram of one of my names, order Foster, information pills so I really wanted to incorporate that when I was coming up with a name. Bonbi is a bit weird, but it comes from some paintings I was making at the time of little birds with speech bubbles. One of them was saying ‘Bonjour’ and I always called him the Bonjour Bird I can’t remember why I did it but I shortened it to Bonbi and it stuck! I like how ‘Bonbi Forest‘ could be a place or someones name.

Big Cats Scarf Print by Bonbi Forest
Big Cats Scarf by Bonbi Forest
Big Cats Scarf by Bonbi Forest.
You’ve developed a very unique style over the years – where does your inspiration come from and why do you think your work looks so individual?
I take inspiration from nature a lot for my imagery. I have always enjoyed painting animals and plants and looking at the abstract shapes in the natural world. I also like to jot down things I have heard that interest me such as interesting facts or lyrics from songs to get me thinking about themes to draw from. My Stillness of Horses painting came about because I read something in a book about someone observing how still horses can stand for hours on end and how they seem to be deep in thought a lot of the time. I like to work with things like that.

Stillness of Horses by Bonbi Forest
Herd Painting by Bonbi Forest.

It’s something I have never really thought about but I think that what makes my work quite individual are the processes I use in creating the different things I make. Painting and screen printing require quite different ways of thinking about the final image and they both feed into each other when it comes to informing my style – the graphic elements of screen printing have crept into my paintings and drawings and painterly elements can be seen in my screen printing work. Also, I am not very good at using a very conventional colour arrangements when making my pictures. I see nothing wrong with pink grass, blue trees and purple birds!

Jackdaw by Bonbi Forest
Jackdaw by Bonbi Forest.

Why did you move from fine art into illustration?
A lot of people ask me if I am an illustrator but I never consider myself as one. I’ve never really done any illustration commissions, most of the commissions I have worked on came about for the fact that I could screen print the end result as well as supply the images!

I Love You Hand Printed Card by Bonbi Forest
I Love You Hand Printed Card by Bonbi Forest.

I was criticised a bit at art school because my work was too illustrative and I wonder if it would be the same now as I think these days there is a lot more crossover between the two disciplines of fine art and illustration.

Goodnight Locket by Bonbi Forest
Goodnight Locket by Bonbi Forest.

Your newest range uses a very clever print technique to print onto lockets and curved metal rings. Is there anything that you can reveal about how this is done?
I apply the images using a transfer technique which is a little time consuming but I love the end result. I think proper crafty types could probably work out how it is done but for the first time ever I am zipping up about exactly how I do a technique as it has taken me ages to work out how to do it. As much as I like to share I am keeping this one to myself!

Feathers Locket by Bonbi Forest
Feathers Locket by Bonbi Forest.

Not many people have successfully managed to use illustration on jewellery. Why was it important for you to find a way to do this?
It has bugged me for a long time that I haven’t been able to make that final connection between my painted and printed work and my jewellery. Although the colours I use in my jewellery take inspiration from my other work and I use little charms that pick out the themes dear to me, I have always felt this disconnect and that it didn’t really have that special unique ‘Bonbi Forest‘ edge that my other work had. It was all made with beads and charms that anyone else could find if they looked hard enough.

Dark is the Night Locket by Bonbi Forest
Dark is the Night Locket by Bonbi Forest.

I have been considering for years how to do it in a way that was a bit different to the usual illustrated jewellery that you see (such as images behind glass) and finally hit the nail on the head earlier this year. I have figured it out for pendants and rings and now I am working on ways to make it into pretty earrings and bracelets…

Blossom Pop Earrings by Bonbi Forest
Blossom Pop Earrings by Bonbi Forest.

Your products are described as ‘treats’ – why do you think it’s important to treat oneself or a loved one?
We all work so hard for what we have in this world and it is nice to be able to treat ourselves to something lovely every so often. I like using the word ‘treat’ as it implies that this is something worked for and that you (or a loved one) deserve it. Something special rather than another piece of throwaway fashion from the high street that can be bought at any time from any shop…

Locket Making by Bonbi Forest
Locket Making by Bonbi Forest.

What kind of things have you made for Bat for Lashes? How did you hook up with her?
Natasha and I lived together throughout university and are still close friends. I made her first ever BFL t-shirts which we sold at the first All Tomorrows Parties that she played at in 2005, and then I continued selling them online for her. She likes to work with lots of different artists so I haven’t made anything for her for a while but she wears Bonbi Forest jewellery quite a lot and we have chatted about maybe doing other things together in the future too…

Pegasus painting by Bonbi Forest
Pegasus painting by Bonbi Forest.

(in fact, going back to the ATP merch stand we had, I remember being very excited when the day was over and looking at the huge amount of email addresses collected on her mailing list clipboard and seeing your distinctive ‘Amelia’ signature on there. ‘Oh my god! Amelia from Amelia’s magazine was stood right in front of me and I didn’t even realise!‘ I think I said…)

Sketches by Bonbi Forest
Sketches by Bonbi Forest.

Who else do you aspire to dress? And what would you put them in or adorn them with?
To be honest it’s not something I have ever really considered! When I am making stuff I think about what sort of person would like to wear it, but I never have anyone specific in mind. I do have my ideas about how pieces look their best though and I am always intrigued to see how other people incorporate them into their own style.

Pegasus tshirt by Bonbi Forest
Pegasus Tee by Bonbi Forest.

I am always very honoured that anyone at all would like to wear things that I have created…in fact I have been known to blush when I see someone in a t-shirt or scarf that I have made out ‘in the wild‘!

Bonbi Forest custom made pleated purse
Bonbi Forest custom made pleated purse.

Why did you decide to live in Cornwall? Is it where you grew up or was there some other draw to that wild part of the world?
I grew up in Cornwall. I was born in London but my folks moved to Cornwall when me and my brother were 4 and 5 so I feel like Cornwall is my motherland (though I can never describe myself as Cornish. You can only do that if were born on the right side of the Tamar!)
Spring Cluster Necklace by Bonbi Forest
Spring Cluster Necklace by Bonbi Forest.

After studying in Brighton and living there for a few years afterwards the draw back to this beautiful part of the world was too great. Starting Bonbi Forest and making it work was the only reason I could come back as there are very few good jobs here. Thank goodness for the internet is all I can say!

Flowers Locket by Bonbi Forest
Flowers Locket by Bonbi Forest.

It sometimes occurs to me that this is a place that people move to when they have done the city thing and are ready for a quieter life. In my twenties I did worry that I was missing out on all the things that living in a cultural city could offer, but as cheesy as it sounds I feel so much more inspired here. I love the variety of the landscape here, you have the green fields and quaint villages and also the rugged and wild coast with it’s ever changing sea. I am a country bumpkin at heart it seems…

Lee May-Bonbi Forest Portrait
Lee May Foster-Wilson and her horse.

What do you like to do when you aren’t working? Any favourite activities?
Horses!!! I have been riding since I was tiny and there have always been horses in my life. I don’t own a horse of my own anymore (I sold him last year after 7 1/2 years together which was heart breaking stuff indeed) but my mum has a little black beauty mare called Pia who I go and ride a couple of times a week and compete in dressage with regularly. We don’t do too badly, this week we have just qualified for the British Dressage area festival national finals! I like how riding gets me outside on a regular basis and it’s exercise that doesn’t feel like exercise. It clears the thoughts and sets you up for the day. I am VERY lucky to be able to do it so often.

Bird prints by Bonbi Forest
Bird prints by Bonbi Forest.

Other than that I like to hang out with friends and drink red wine, go to music festivals, go for walks, pull up what I think are weeds in the garden (I have the blackest thumb…I managed to kill a cactus once which is apparently nigh on impossible), bake crazy multi-coloured cakes for friend’s birthdays, eat popcorn in the cinema, and hang out with my husband on the sofa in front of crap TV.

heart balloon tee by Bonbi Forest
Heart Balloon tee by Bonbi Forest.

How does your consideration of the environment affect the way you produce work?
I am very conscious of how my work impacts the environment and try to think about how my practice impacts on the world around me. I use water based inks for all of my printing (much kinder to everything, including me, than the horrible Plastisol inks used in a lot of t-shirt print manufacture), recycled card for all of my card stock, British suppliers wherever possible and I even cut up all of the boxes that my supplies arrive in to use as envelope stiffeners when sending out my art prints.

Mens Dan Le Sac vs Scroobius Pip Bear tee
Mens Dan Le Sac vs Scroobius Pip Bear tee by Bonbi Forest.

I do use American Apparel for my t-shirts which I know have a fairly large carbon footprint having had to come from half way around the world. But having done a lot of research I can’t find another company that manufacture at an affordable price in the UK. A lot of the manufacturers and distributors based in the UK actually get the garments made overseas anyway. It just seemed logical to me to use a company that I know looks after their factory staff as well as having an amazing range of goods for me to use for my brand.

limited edition Sweet Butterfly Pendant by Bonbi Forest
limited edition Sweet Butterfly Pendant by Bonbi Forest.

What next for Bonbi Forest?
I really want to expand my range into home wares and stationary in the not too distant future so I think that is the collection that I will be working on next. I want to continue honing my skills and developing my work to be the best I can be…Other than that, onwards and upwards as they say!

Equus tee by Bonbi Forest
Equus tee by Bonbi Forest.

Lee May is off on holiday today, but if you pop by her website you’ll get 20% off any order over £10 by using the code HAPPYHOLS at the checkout! Happy shopping.

Categories ,All Tomorrows Parties, ,artwork, ,atp, ,Bat for Lashes, ,Big Cats Scarf, ,Blossom Pop Earrings, ,Bonbi Forest, ,Bonjour Bird, ,brighton, ,British Dressage, ,Cornwall, ,Dark is the Night Locket, ,Dark is the Night Slouch Sweater, ,Equus Scarf, ,Equus tee, ,Feathers Locket, ,Flowers Locket, ,Goodnight Locket, ,Hannah Zakari, ,Heart Balloon tee, ,Herd Painting, ,illustration, ,Jackdaw, ,jewellery, ,Lee May Foster-Wilson, ,Mens Dan Le Sac vs Scroobius Pip Bear tee, ,Pegasus painting, ,Pegasus Tee, ,Pia, ,Plastisol, ,screenprinting, ,Spring Cluster Necklace, ,Stillness of Horses, ,Sweet Butterfly Pendant, ,Tamar, ,Transfer, ,Treats

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