Amelia’s Magazine | All aboard the Craftivist Collective and Climate Rush campaign to end excessive train fares!

Train Illustration by Alison Day

I love trains.

I’m actually sat on one right now, nurse as I write. The sun is just beginning to set and the pylons are casting long shadows across the country side. I’m slicing through fields, more about past dense forests and picture postcard villages, through cities and industrial sites, and fields full of  sheep. It’s just me, my music, my laptop and a cup of tea. A good cup of tea on a train is all the more appreciated in my books, having been made, as it was, whilst moving at 50 miles per hour on a tilting platform.

I don’t usually work on the train. My favourite train journey past time is to simply gaze out of the window and allow my mind to wonder beyond the everyday things, to the things that usually reside at the edges. Three hours to myself. As the train tilts and twists and wobbles on its journey, I watch peoples gardens as they whoosh by.  Fleeting glances through the windows, the flicker of a TV screen, children playing, pairs of tights dangling from the washing line; the shape of the oweners legs and feet still impressed into the elastic, like dangling legs in the wind.

Fair Fares Illustration by Faye West

I have been a frequent train traveller since I moved to London from Up North to go to University years ago. It started with the dreaded Mega Bus, always packed, the toilet always broken, with tyrannical drivers preventing us from getting off the bus at the change over. The toilet was the thing that pushed me, and almost my bladder, over the edge. I’d endured too many a Mega Bus journey ending with a sprint across the coach station to the toilet, laden with heavy bags and fumbling for 20p’s. Shudder. As soon as abject student poverty subsided into easily forgettable student debt I spent my meager pennies on catching the train instead, a luxury I reveled in. I found it easy to find cheap tickets at first, booked during the week of travel or even on the day.

31% Increase in train fares. Illustration by Matilde De Sazio

But as my university days fade so does the memory of cheap fares. Between 1997 and 2008, the cost of traveling by train rose by 46%, while the cost of traveling by car rose by only 26%?. UK rail fares are on average 50% more expensive than European fares. And if that wasn’t bad enough already, In 2012 the Government (“the greenest yet”) is planning massive fare hikes of 31% over the next five years – the biggest fare hike in a generation.

Craftivist piece by Hannah Henderson

I now struggle to book a cheap ticket weeks, sometimes months, in advance, such is the nature of the ticket allocation systems. Train companies have been expanding Peak times making it much harder to find cheaper tickets and without the buffer of my Young Persons Rail Card (R.I.P, sob) I could face Peak time fares of hundreds of pounds. I can buy flights for much cheaper, hell, I can buy whole cars for not much more. Its ridiculous.

Air travel is one of the biggest contributors to global warming, so reducing or avoiding plane travel is one of the single biggest ways an individual can reduce their carbon footprint. But ridiculously high train fares, coupled with ridiculously low air fares mean that many people choose flying, even if they really don’t want to. Cheap plane travel effectively privatises the pollution but socialises the consequences.

Eurostar commissioned some independent research which found that taking the train to Paris instead of flying cuts CO2 emissions per passenger by a massive 90%. To be in with any chance of reducing the massive levels of CO2 emitted by flying, governments need to be investing more in train travel and less in road and plane travel.  In an age when action on climate change is woefully inadequate and slow, increasing train fares is bad for people, bad for business and bad for the environment.

Craftivist illustration by Natasha Thompson

This is why I was intrigued to hear about the joint efforts of The Craftivist Collective and Climate Rush to take a stand against excessive rail fares.  The Craftivist Collective last weekend  joined in a nationwide protest to demand a halt to rail fare increases.  ‘Stitch-ins’ were held at stations across the UK where fabric train carriages were embroidered with some of the eye watering facts about the rise in train fares. Groups spread picnic blankets on station concourses and preceded to eat cake and jam sandwiches whilst crafting away and chatting to members of the public about their campaign. The embroidered messages will be sewn into a petition-train and taken on a Fair Fare Railway Adventure by Climate Rush this Saturday 16th April.  It will involve bikes, more jam sandwiches and bright red petticoats. For more information, or if you would like to get involved, click here. Alternatively, you can add your name to the Unfair fares petition from the comfort of your armchar right here.

Craftivist illustration by Natasha Thompson

Categories ,A Railway Adventure, ,Alison Day, ,Climate Change, ,Climate Rush, ,Craftivist Collective, ,Craftivists, ,Faye West, ,global warming, ,government, ,Hannah Bullivant, ,Mega Bus, ,Natasha Thompson, ,Public Transport, ,Train, ,Train Fares

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Amelia’s Magazine | A Little Book of Craftivism: an interview with Sarah Corbett

A Little Book of Craftivism Book Cover

For those not in the know can you summarise what Craftivism is about in a few sentences?
Very simply, craftivism is activism that uses craft as the medium to get the message out! Betsy Greer coined the term in 2003, and she defines it as “a way of looking at life where voicing opinions through creativity makes your voice stronger, your compassion deeper and your quest for justice more infinite.” But it’s not a new concept & there are lots of different approaches around. My approach to craftivism in the Craftivist Collective is as form of ‘slow activism’, a reflective action which changes the participant as much as it does the world. Our craftivism aims to be  passionate but polite, provocative but patient, drawing people to engage in discussion and debate rather than forcing it down people’s throat. Unlike some of the more traditional, extrovert forms of activism, craftivism is quietly beautiful, it is individual and it is effective.

A Little Book of Craftivism - Hire a craftivist - workshops

A Little Book of Craftivism -Projects - bunting

What prompted the creation of a book about craftivism?
We offer support to craftivists old & new by providing online information, events and products & after speaking to many of our craftivists, it came to light that a small introductory book would be really helpful tool to help support, courage & inspire people to do craftivism or just provoke thought in people. We don’t think there is any book like ours out there at the moment so it seemed like a useful thing to produce for existing craftivists and to engage new people in craftivism in a quiet, friendly way. Plus I had worked with our editor Ziggy before on the State of Craft book where one of my projects was included in it and love the look and feel of her books so when the opportunity came along to work with her on our own book it seemed like a perfect fit. My dream is that it will be sold in shops all over the world, displayed near tills & people notice it and add it to their basket out of intrigue. 

A Little Book of Craftivism barbie

A Little Book of Craftivism craftivist footprint project

How long did it take to put the book together and what was the most exciting part about the process?
The book was quite a unique journey for most books in many ways. Ziggy from Cicada Books pitched the book to Thames & Hudson (our distributor) January 2012 who loved the idea but were nervous that it was ‘too niche’ so asked if we could match fund the project. In retrospect this was a great opportunity because it meant our supporters where part of the creation of the book through successfully crowd funding (Oct 2012-Jan 2013) proudly seeing their name alongside 150 others in the back of the book reminding us all that we are part of a movement and can achieve things together. I loved all of the parts of the process because it was all so new to me. My proposal to Cicada Books was actually titled A Little Book of Craftivism and I had an idea of the format but knew there was no way I could self-publish because I just didn’t have the skill as an editor or designer. Plus I loved the contemporary craft and graphic style all of Ziggy’s books have; they are all very modern but authentic to the artists work so when Ziggy encouraged me to pitch her idea I was excited at the prospect of working together every step of the way. I’m still learning so much which is exciting! 

A Little Book of Craftivism jigsaw photo

A Little Book of Craftivism mini protest banner

What is your favourite form of craftivism, if you had to pick one?
I still prefer small,encouraging pieces of craftivism to large pieces because I think small & beautiful can engage people in a deeper more long-lasting way where they find and decide to engage with our pieces rather than forcing our views on people with a big and brash banner. Cross-stitch used to be my favourite form of activism but not I really love hand embroidery techniques where you can stitch over your own handwriting which I think can connect to people more personally & show your own personality aesthetically. 

A Little Book of Craftivism Past projects - jigsaw

A Little Book of Craftivism post it stitched
Can you share any inspiring examples where a little bit of craftivism has had a positive effect?
I truly believe in our slogan “a spoonful of craft helps the activism go down” for lots of people in different ways. It’s hard to ‘prove’ how we have made a different in the world because we focus on helping with people’s personal transformation into politicised, active global citizens who are trying to be the change they wish to see in the world. I’m constantly inspired when I read blogs by individuals or hear from them directly about how our projects were the catalyst for them to see that they could be part of the solution to injustices in the world (as a voter, consumer, mother etc) and how they now feel empowered to fight for a better world for all. One tweet I love that also sums up the difference our approach to craftivism has had on people was by @RinSimpson & she tweeted ‘My small act of craftivism will, hopefully, go some small way towards changing the world. But more importantly, it has changed me.’

A Little Book of Craftivism tomato jam project

A Little Book of Craftivism Valentines project with Tatty Devine

Where do you hope that the movement goes from here?
I hope that people see that they can use craft for personal and political long-term positive change. I hope that our approach to craftivism helps show how craft can be used effectively to engage others and ourselves in global injustice issues and is a valid part of the activism tool kit we can use to help make the world a better place. Most of all I hope it reminds people that we should all try and be our best selves to help and not harm the world we live in. 

A Little Book of Craftivism by Sarah Corbett is published by Cicada Books and available now.

Categories ,@RinSimpson, ,A Little Book of Craftivism, ,a spoonful of craft helps the activism go down, ,Betsy Greer, ,Cicada Books, ,Craftivism, ,Craftivist Collective, ,interview, ,Sarah Corbett, ,State of Craft, ,Thames & Hudson

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