Amelia’s Magazine | Pinkspex: a feminist zine by Marja de Sanctis, Jordana Globerman and Hannah Prebble

PinkSpex is “a collection of drawings about sexuality as seen through women’s eyes“. There are three pairs of eyes involved in the creation of this zine – those of illustrators Marja de Sanctis, Jordana Globerman, and Hannah Prebble – each with a unique perspective on gender, identity, and love. The zine emerged from their casual, personal conversations, which they found expressed greater themes in society today. The three came from different backgrounds, yet they found many overlaps in their personal experiences when it came to relationships and sexuality. The zine was a chance to explore this in their own visual languages which makes for an interesting and varied outcome.

Jordana Globerman says of her own work: “I find that female sexuality is often described through archetypes – the Madonna, the Whore, The Mother, etc. Although I am expressing my ideas through a subjective voice, one that I recognise doesn’t speak for all women, I feel like this subjectivity breaks down the archetypical binary. It gives nuance to female sexuality and identity which I feel is important.”

Marja de Sanctis describes her inspiration: “I am really interested in human stories. I think sexuality plays a role in different angles of the everyday so for me this zine was a way to explore some of these aspects seen from a female lens- they could be power games, self-esteem, religion, domesticity, or the way male and female bodies are explored and represented these days – and in turn how these aspects influence the way we perceive and experience our sexuality.”

Hannah Prebble says of her illustration, “I am obsessed with everything to do with pop culture, so for me it was a chance to explore the how saturated society is with sexual imagery and how it can feel alienating being a woman in the middle of all the debris of modern life – Instagram, Tinder, Nicki Minaj,s butt. I also wanted to celebrate how empowering it can be on the other hand too and add some humour to the mix!

Hannah, Marja, and Jordana bring together individual puzzle pieces which make PinkSpex, the saucy little book it is. The A6 stable-bound sine features 36 photocopied pages. Each spread includes a thoughtfully assembled collection of illustrations in a variety of media. The vivid risoprint cover is eye-catching for dual reasons: the colour saturation is gorgeous and the content is shocking and intriguing, like the illustrations within. PinkSpex is being distributed by One Beat Zines, a feminist zine collective run by Julia Scheele and Sarah Broadhurst. They publish original work by feminist voices. It costs £3.50 and can also be found on the online shops of Jordana Globerman and Marja de Sanctis.

Categories ,Hannah Prebble, ,illustration, ,Jordana Globerman, ,Julia Scheele, ,Marja de Sanctis, ,One Beat Zines, ,PinkSpex, ,Sarah Broadhurst

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