Amelia’s Magazine | UK Tar Sands Tour: Calling BP to Account – Tar Sands, Deepwater Horizon and Beyond…

Category: Earth

BP no tar sands
This Tuesday the Rich Mix yet again hosts another inspiring event… it's taken awhile for them to find their feet but now I really do feel quite blessed to have this place/institution/cinema/centre on my doorstep.

Calling BP to account is being pulled together by the UK Tar Sands Network with contributions from Greenpeace, Platform and Rising Tide, in advance of the annual AGM. It will be a chance to discuss what can be done about BP's decision to go into the Alberta tar sands, something which I wrote about here, with first hand accounts of how the Canadian tar sands projects are destroying indigenous livelihoods and cultures, and also how the Deepwater Horizon disaster catastrophe has affected lives.

These ducks were killed in tar sands tailings ponds.

If you can't make this particular session there will be another opportunity to hear indigenous activists talking at Grow Heathrow on Friday 15th April, where they will also be showing the UK premiere of Tipping Point: the Age of the Oil Sands.

Read more about the Tar Sands Tour.

Two great dates for the diary.