Category: Art
All matter is the same by Geraldine Cox
The potential of enquiry and thought is at the heart of this exhibition, which includes painting, sculpture, collage and video installations.
Funded by the Arts Council, the show seeks to ‘inspire all of us to question what we know and do not know,’ says curator Ingrid Hinton. The Royal Society was originally set out, in 1660, as a place for natural philosophers to meet and discuss new philosophies and how to promote knowledge of the natural world. Sounds fitting.
The artists on show are Agata Agatowska, Geraldine Cox, Chris Dunseath, Sam Knowles, Chooc Ly Tan, and David Rickard.
Beyond Ourselves is at The Royal Society, 6-9 Carlton House Terrace, London SW1. It runs between 6 April and 24 June. Visits by appointment only; contact the Royal Society to arrange a time by emailing Felicity Henderson: Or you can go to one of the open days on 11th and 18th April from 11am – 4pm.