Amelia’s Magazine | Kimberly Anne describes the making of the Bury It There video

Kimberly Anne Music by Tom Radclyffe
Kimberly Anne Music by Tom Radclyffe.

She went to the Brit School and she’s got a honeyed voice with a gorgeous edge but Kimberly Anne is cut from a different mould. Having worked with a series of high profile collaborators she took time away from music in order to learn what she really wanted to say and how she could create it herself: the results were worth it and then some. From the spare room of her father’s house she has crafted, from start to finish, a beautiful song which describes efforts to shake off the melancholy state that can be so hard to escape after the end of a romance. In the stunningly simple video Kimberly Anne needs no glitz or glamour to showcase her charms… instead she appears in every frame covered head to toe in what seems to be ash, physically shaking the past from her body. Doing everything her way has resulted in ‘juggling a few too many balls’ so it took Kimberly awhile to describe the making of this video… read on, listen and enjoy. Hers is a talent worth waiting for.

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When considering whether to create a video for ‘Bury It There’ I went through a number of ideas but eventually decided not to go ahead unless I had a strong creative concept. My heart sinks sometimes when I see videos by independent artists like me who kill themselves attempting to make videos look 100 x times more expensive than it needs to be. I don’t thinks lots of cash equals a good video and some of my favorite videos from artists just execute a simple but effective idea on a small budget. Also I’m pretty skint after making my ‘Bury It There’ EP so needed something cheap!

Kimberly Anne by Samantha Eynon
Kimberly Anne by Samantha Eynon.

Almost two years ago I took sometime out from music, I really wasn’t happy with what I was creating and the pressure I had put on myself to write music to please a lot of people around me and not myself. I promised myself I wouldn’t pick up my guitar again until I knew exactly what I wanted to say and how. Luckily things started to click back in place around a year ago when I started to demo a few ideas, the first one being ‘Bury It There’. Reconnecting with music and creating material that came quite naturally was really liberating. Being someone you’re not is exhausting and that’s why I think my relationship with music really broke down before. Before embarking on recording the new tracks I planned a photo shoot with a good friend and documentary photographer Charlotte Emily Groves, I knew I’d need an image online to promote the material. Having been away from creating work for so long I sort of felt like I was coming out of storage and emerging from the rubble wiping the dust off of myself. As an artist not very comfortable with getting too tied up with my physical appearance, I wanted to avoid using my energy and limited financial resources on getting someone in for hair and make up! So my answer was to buy two bottles of talcum power and cover myself from head to toe.

Kimberly Anne
The striking ghost like appearance seemed to capture people’s attention and imagination, which I liked. I wanted to experiment with how the talcum power would look on film so approached videographer Ryan Say of Dead By Cinema. I’d recently admired his work with duo Death Rattle and I asked if he’d be up for joining me in my mum’s shed for a day and filming me looking like Casper. He agreed (great guy). When I considered the powder within the context of the song, I realised it also represented the melancholy state that it’s hard to escape after a break up or bring turned down romantically. The more you try to shake it off, the more it seems to surround you. 

If only all music was made with such integrity. The ‘Bury It There’ EP is out now, available from itunes.

Kimberly Anne
Video Credits:
Videographer: Ryan Say 

Editor: Ryan Say

Makeup/Hair: Talcum powder

Categories ,Brit School, ,Bury It There, ,Casper, ,Charlotte Emily Groves, ,Dead By Cinema, ,Death Rattle, ,Kimberly Anne, ,Ryan Say, ,Samantha Eynon, ,Tom Radclyffe

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