Amelia’s Magazine | Exhibition: Ben Branagan at House of Propellers

Category: Art


Good, quick, cheap – don't worry we're not talking dodgy viagra spam here, its the centrepiece of graphic artist Ben Branagan's new exhibition at House of Propellers. The title is based on Branagan's visual interpretation of the 'good, quick, cheap' theory, which says that you can only apply two of the criteria to any project. So, something can me good and quick, but it won't be cheap. Or, it could be cheap and quick, but it won't be good, and so on. 

Branagan's high energy, typographically bold style brings the theory out of the world of management speak and turns it into a playful mantra in visual form. Perhaps you could apply it to any decision-making situation – life, love and work included. The exhibition also features Branagan's other experiments with visual wit and wordplay. All lovingly-made limited edition prints, the work in the show is all for sale and will make a beautiful bargain for any print collector – its definitely an example of the 'good and cheap' variety of endeavour. You'll have to be quick though, if you want to snap up a bargain, because the show ends 5 Aug. 

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