Silent City Collective present a Sunday Climate Change Documentary screening:
Films: Just Do It: Get Off Your Arse and Change the World by Emily James, Drowning by Carbon Hazuan Hashim & Phil Maxwell, Mauerpark by Francesca Weber-Newth and Sally Mumby-Croft and Natturra by the Tubby Brothers
Sun 9th May 2010, 04:00pm – 08:00pm
Category: Art
The Rag Factory, 16 Heneage Street London E1 5LJ
JUST DO IT: GET OFF YOUR ARSE AND CHANGE THE WORLD 4PM An exciting preview of clips from a new documentary that follows the often heroic deeds of UK climate activists + Q&A with the director Emily James.
FILM SCREENING 6PM A selection of documentaries about climate change
Nattura // featuring interviews with Bjork and music by Sigur Ros, this documentary presents the desire for a renewal in discussion and debate on Icelandic resources
Drowning by Carbon // from the perspective of individuals and communities who are already facing the effects of climate change in Bangladesh
Mauerpark // a short documentary which explores the importance of urban space and the threat of building development in Mauerpark, a former no mans land which separated Berlin for 17 years