Amelia’s Magazine | Free Range Art & Design Show 2013: Fine Art Review

Beautiful artwork from Claire Ringrose at Oxford Brooks
Claire Ringrose at Oxford Brookes University.

I sadly only had time to visit the first week of two fine art showcases at Free Range this year, but even a brief whirl around the exhibitions was enough to discover these gems, which were first shared on my instagram feed:

Emma Norton leeds
This crystallised installation makes me think of a secret witch’s chamber, by Emma Norton at Leeds University.

Olexandra Solomka- embroidery
At Loughborough University Olexandra Solomka‘s embroidery accompanies a fictitious website,

Guilin Nucci - ceramic mice watching TV
At Coventry University Guilia Nucci‘s complex installation featured these brilliant ceramic mice watching TV.

Giant leather floral spider by Kerry Short
This giant leather floral spider by Kerry Short was displayed at waist height on its very own podium.

crystallised art- carefully placed pebbles by Miranda Marshall
At University of Northampton there was more crystallised art in the form of these carefully placed pebbles by Miranda Marshall.

Punk wall collage by William Burr
This punk wall collage was put together by William Burr, and it expanded well beyond the boundaries of my photograph.

miniature paintings with collage by Heather Armitage
Miniature parrot collage by Heather Armitage at Uni of Northampton
One of my highlights was these absolutely delightful miniature paintings with tiny collaged birds and animals by Heather Armitage.

Key with #crochet wings by Claire Ringrose at Oxford Brooks
Talismans made from natural objects by Claire Ringrose at Oxford Brooks
At the Oxford Brookes University Lightbox show I loved these wonderful talismans made from natural objects by Claire Ringrose. Her Fluvium Artifacts are inspired by ancient settlements and forgotten memories.

Toothpick balls sculpture by Viviane Fallah at oxford brooks
These beguiling toothpick balls sculpture were by Viviane Fallah.

Mita Vaghela- sculpture of plastic spoons
Fellow student Mita Vaghela chose to create her organic sculpture out of plastic spoons.

Up next: my New Designers and New Blood reviews.

Categories ,2013, ,Claire Ringrose, ,Coventry University, ,Emma Norton, ,Fine Art, ,Fluvium Artifacts, ,Free Range Art and Design Show, ,Guilia Nucci, ,Heather Armitage, ,Kerry Short, ,leeds university, ,Lightbox, ,Loughborough University, ,Miranda Marshall, ,Mita Vaghela, ,Olexandra Solomka, ,Oxford Brookes University, ,review, ,University of Northampton, ,Viviane Fallah, ,William Burr

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