Amelia’s Magazine | Single and Video Review: I Like Trains – Sea of Regrets

iliketrains sea of regrets
My favourite music videos are those which take you on a narrative journey such as that for the new I Like Trains single, Sea of Regrets. In this 8 minute video Ben Lankester times his story in perfect harmony with the highs and lows of this emotionally extravagant song. Actor Segun Akingbola beautifully embodies the character, a man who is leaving something undetermined behind to head into the great unknown. The result is a silent cinematic piece that stands up to its own scrutiny.

Director Ben Lankester is a founding member of The Progress Film Company. Visit their website to view a film about the London Riots, asking Why Has This Happened?

From today I Like Trains are in the studio with Mercury Prize nominated producer Richard Formby, who worked on the Wild Beasts albums. Read my previous interview with singer Dave Martin here – I look forward to their third album!

Categories ,Ben Lankester, ,film, ,I Like Trains, ,London Riots, ,Mercury Prize, ,Narrative, ,review, ,Richard Formby, ,Sea of Regrets, ,Segun Akingbola, ,single, ,The Progress Film Company, ,video, ,Why Has This Happened?, ,Wild Beasts

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