Amelia’s Magazine | London Art Fair 2012 Review: Part Two

elisabeth lecourt map dress
You’ve read the first part of my London Art Fair 2012 round up, now catch up with the rest… starting with Elisabeth Lecourt of Byard Art in Cambridge who creates gorgeous dresses from maps. (I told you maps were big news.)

London Art Fair 2012 -chris wood
I’m always a bit of a sucker for pearlescent materials: Chris Wood (also with Byard) favours the medium of Dichroic glass for angular abstract patterns.

Claire Moynihan byard London Art Fair 2012 -Claire Moynihan
London Art Fair 2012 -Claire Moynihan
Claire Moynihan byard dragonfly
It’s great to see an upsurge of interest in textile art. Claire Moynihan works in detailed felt and embroidery, and is best admired up close – her ‘moth balls’ are beautiful.

London Art Fair 2012 - Justin Hammond
London Art Fair 2012 - Justin Hammond
On the second floor of the exhibition I was able to pop in on Justin Hammond, hosting a display of great new Catlin Guide commissioned art pieces.

London Art Fair 2012 -hannah harkes
London Art Fair 2012 -tom howse
My favourites have to be Hannah Harkes (with a cowboy snogging an Indian) and the naif folk art of Tom Howse.

London Art Fair 2012 -Chris Pensa
Next door Chris Pensa of Love Art London talked me through some of his upcoming tours – check out their website for ideas, I fancy me a tour with the fossil hunter! Read my review of an earlier tour here.

Run riot run laura jordan
A strong theme of disaffection unsurprisingly runs through many artworks, including Laura Jordan‘s Run Riot Run, an intricate map of the riots, shown with Galleryone.

UK Uncut oona hassim trafalgar_square
Oona Hassim took as the starting point for her oil painting a photo of the Anti Cuts Demo in March 2011 in Piccadilly Circus. If I’m not much mistaken this is the UK Uncut parade that led to Fortnum & Mason – despite the blurry feel I recognise it, because I was there – those flags are a dead giveaway. The pieces are oddly energetic and beautiful but how odd to see direct action flogged as fine art!

YouTube Preview Image
You can watch a short film showing her making the initial sketches here. She has an exhibition opening this week at Woolff Gallery.

London Art Fair 2012 -Joanne Tinker
London Art Fair 2012 -Joanne Tinker
At Woolff there was lots of upcycling going on. Special mention goes to Joanne Tinker who created rows of goblets out of sweet wrappers.

London Art Fair 2012 -Susila Bailey-Bond
Susila Bailey-Bond is another butterfly papercut artist, concentrating on their decorative qualities.

Jess littlewood contemporary
Jess Littlewood at The Contemporary London collages together monochrome otherworldly scenes that are very ‘now’. Like a lot.

London Art Fair 2012 -Juz Kitson
Porcelain, ink and wool are the preferred medium of artist Juz Kitson, who created wall installations of skulls, pulsating hearts and corals.

London Art Fair 2012 -Cynthia Corbett Gallery Ghost of a Dream
For the Cynthia Corbett Gallery Ghost of a Dream have produced an amazing collaboration that I first spotted at the graduate art fairs that I visited in abundance last year. The installation uses lottery tickets and the covers of romance novels, which are glued in patterns onto panels, mirrors and chandeliers.

Zak Ove
Irish/Carribean artist and film director Zak Ove at Vigo Gallery cobbles together found objects to create religiously inspired ensembles.

Reginald S Aloysius
At Bearspace I recognised Reginald S Aloysius from the 2011 Jerwood Drawing Prize. His overgrown temples are intersected by the paths of cross atlantic planes.

London Art Fair 2012  jane ward
Jane Ward imagined a disturbed dystopian future of exploding buildings. I hope we don’t end up there!

London Art Fair 2012 -Nomad
Lastly I can’t go without mentioning the huge Nomad light sculpture by Beau McClellan in the entrance to the design centre: yours for just 250,000 euros. One for those Russian oligarchs me thinks.

Categories ,2012, ,Bearspace, ,Beau McClellan, ,Byard Art, ,Chris Pensa, ,Chris Wood, ,Claire Moynihan, ,craft, ,Cynthia Corbett Gallery, ,Dichroic Glass, ,Elisabeth Lecourt, ,Fortnum & Mason, ,Galleryone, ,Ghost of a Dream, ,Hannah Harkes, ,Islington Business Design Centre, ,Jane Ward, ,Jerwood Drawing Prize, ,Jess Littlewood, ,Joanne Tinker, ,Justin Hammond, ,Juz Kitson, ,Laura Jordan, ,Light Sculpture, ,London Art Fair, ,Love Art London, ,Moth Balls, ,Nomad, ,Oligarch, ,Oona Hassim, ,Papercutting, ,Porcelain, ,Reginald Aloysius, ,review, ,Riots, ,Run Riot Run, ,susila bailey-bond, ,textile, ,The Catlin Guide, ,The Contemporary London, ,Tom Howse, ,UK Uncut, ,Upcycling, ,Vigo Gallery, ,wool, ,Woolff, ,Zak Ove

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Amelia’s Magazine | London Art Fair 2015: Review

London Art Fair 2015 review_Amelia_Gregory
After some years attending the London Art Fair I have a fair idea of where to find the artists that will catch my eye. Here’s what I loved at this January’s show, held at the Business Design Centre in Islington.

John Stark-The Division of Labour
John Stark: The Division of Labour. This eery tableaux features beekeepers poring ominously over their hives.

Tom Butler
Also at Charlie Smith, Tom Butler once again showed that the trend for doctoring the faces of old photographs continues.

Jamie Taylor at John Martin gallery
Jamie Taylor at John Martin Gallery has also been messing with faces, this time pixelating his painted version of an old portrait.

Matt Smith at Ink_D Gallery
At Ink_D Gallery artist Matt Smith chose to deface the features on a tapestry. Myself and others clearly find this style oddly appealing; I wonder why? It seems to me a reference to the way the past is all eventually obliterated. The subjects of these works must have meant something to someone at some time, but we are swamped in a sea of memories that means nothing to anyone anymore.

Katharine Morling
I am more used to seeing porcelain sculpture by Katharine Morling in the Whitechapel Hospital, here she was showing with Long & Ryle.

London Babel by Emily Allchurch
London Babel by Emily Allchurch was selling well as a light box display. This powerful piece shows a future dystopia inspired by Brueghel’s Tower of Babel.

Bird Tree by Simone lia
Bird Tree is the newest screen print from Simone Lia, on display with Jealous Gallery.

Paul Scotts Cumbrian Blues-Palestine, Gaza
Paul Scott turns traditional ceramics practice on its head with his Cumbrian Blues series. This Palestine, Gaza plate sets the destruction of war against a traditional pattern.

Dawn by Juliane Hundertmark
This strange figurative work is called Dawn, by Berlin based artist Juliane Hundertmark.

Jane Ward at bearspace
Jane Ward at Bearspace Gallery specialises in super detailed digital collage landscapes, combining the urban and the natural in a dreamlike manner.

Guy Allot - Alien III at Grey Area Paris
Gary Allott - UFOs at GreyArea Paris
Guy Allott- Barricade
I am really taken with the surreal works of Guy Allott, who was showing with Grey Area Paris.

Mark Thompson
There was no title with this painting of a spooky house in a wintery landscape, but fortunately an artist friend on instagram was able to inform me that it is most probably by Mark Thompson.

Heather Nevay- Last Days in the Dollhouse
Heather Nevay: Last Days in the Dollhouse. This Glasgow based artist produces extraordinarily strange vignettes inspired by the memories and dreams incapsulated in dolls.

Roland Corbin- Iona
I am a sucker for an evocative natural landscape and I love the way that Roland Corbin has captured the splendour of rock formations on the islands of Iona.

Geoff Diego Litherland- Spaceship Earth
Geoff Diego Litherland creates an eery fantasy world in Spaceship Earth, showing at Antlers Gallery.

Photos of soviet monoliths at breese little
I love these photos of brutalist Soviet monoliths by Jan Kempenaers at Breese Little.

Adam Dix
Follow (kneeler) by Adam Dix
I am always a massive fan of Adam Dix, who was showing with The Contemporary London. I love the use of tapestry to make this footstool, titled Follow (kneeler).

Anaemic Archives by Christos Venetis
Finally, Anaemic Archives by Christos Venetis is a series of delicate pencil drawings on old book covers. An engaging installation tucked away at TinT Gallery.

Categories ,2015, ,Adam Dix, ,Anaemic Archives, ,Antlers Gallery, ,Bearspace Gallery, ,Bird Tree, ,Breese Little, ,Business Design Centre, ,Charlie Smith, ,Christos Venetis, ,Cumbrian Blues, ,Dawn, ,Emily Allchurch, ,Follow (kneeler), ,Geoff Diego Litherland, ,Grey Area Paris, ,Guy Allott, ,Heather Nevay, ,Ink_D gallery, ,Iona, ,Jamie Taylor, ,Jan Kempenaers, ,Jane Ward, ,Jealous Gallery, ,John Martin Gallery, ,John Stark, ,Juliane Hundertmark, ,Katharine Morling, ,Last Days in the Dollhouse, ,London Art Fair, ,London Babel, ,Long & Ryle, ,Mark Thompson, ,Matt Smith, ,Palestine Gaza, ,Paul Scott, ,Roland Corbin, ,Simone Lia, ,Spaceship Earth, ,The Contemporary London, ,The Division of Labour, ,TinT Gallery, ,Tom Butler, ,Tower of Babel

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