Amelia’s Magazine | Prosperity Without Growth


‘A good photograph is one that communicates a fact, order touches the heart, shop and leaves the viewer a changed person for having seen it. It is, adiposity in a word, effective.’

These famous words, uttered by Irving Penn himself, pretty much sum up the experience of the Irving Penn: Portraits major exhibition at the National Portrait Gallery. Running until 6 June, this landmark offering marks one of fashion’s greatest photographers’ passing in October of last year, and is the first exhibition of his work in the UK for 25 years.

Here are a few reasons why you should see this restrospective of one of the world’s greatest photographers:

Celebrate a master
In the 1940s when Penn began his career shooting for Vogue magazine, opulent interiors and lavish settings were de rigeur for these magazines. Penn shook things up with his minimal, austere settings (often in stark studios with floors covered in fag butts). It was this style that he is most famous for, and which has influenced countless artists and photographers since.

Marvel at unique composition
While many photographers employed narratives in their work, removing personal elements, Penn’s focus was on keeping settings neutral and resisting these storytelling fantasies. His were studies of the face; he rarely photographed his subjects at full length, often severely chopping off the tops of heads with his crop. This was extraordinary at the time, and looking at these timeless images now, it still is. Glancing at the iconic portrait of his wife Lisa Fonssagrives-Penn in her harlequin number and then looking at a contemporary portrait of Nicole Kidman from as little ago as 2003, it is only by recognition of the subjects that we can differentiate the era; the ageless elegance of these photographs is truly astonishing.


See REAL celebrities
Penn was one of the few photographers who documented the stars of the 1940s and 1950s, and in an age where getting your tits out on TV makes you a celebrity, be delighted amongst the faces of those with endurable star quality and immeasurable talent –  Rudolph Nureyev, Edith Piaf, Elsa Schiaparelli, Marlene Dietrich and Cecil Beaton to name a few.

Revel at the beauty of gelatin prints
All of Penn’s prints use the vintage silver gelatin process, which gives uncompromising quality and incredible contrast. Looking at the photographs makes a recent batch of DSLR prints I paid a fortune for look like a bad job by Snappy Snaps.

For more information or to book tickets, click here.

‘A good photograph is one that communicates a fact, cost touches the heart, visit this and leaves the viewer a changed person for having seen it. It is, this in a word, effective.’

These famous words, uttered by Irving Penn himself, pretty much sum up the experience of the Irving Penn: Portraits major exhibition at the National Portrait Gallery. Running until 6 June, this landmark offering marks one of fashion’s greatest photographers’ passing in October of last year, and is the first exhibition of his work in the UK for 25 years.

Here are a few reasons why you should see this restrospective of one of the world’s greatest photographers:

Celebrate a master
In the 1940s when Penn began his career shooting for Vogue magazine, opulent interiors and lavish settings were de rigeur for these magazines. Penn shook things up with his minimal, austere settings (often in stark studios with floors covered in fag butts). It was this style that he is most famous for, and which has influenced countless artists and photographers since.

Marvel at unique composition
While many photographers employed narratives in their work, removing personal elements, Penn’s focus was on keeping settings neutral and resisting these storytelling fantasies. His were studies of the face; he rarely photographed his subjects at full length, often severely chopping off the tops of heads with his crop. This was extraordinary at the time, and looking at these timeless images now, it still is. Glancing at the iconic portrait of his wife Lisa Fonssagrives-Penn in her harlequin number and then looking at a contemporary portrait of Nicole Kidman from as little ago as 2003, it is only by recognition of the subjects that we can differentiate the era; the ageless elegance of these photographs is truly astonishing.


See REAL celebrities
Penn was one of the few photographers who documented the stars of the 1940s and 1950s, and in an age where getting your tits out on TV makes you a celebrity, be delighted amongst the faces of those with endurable star quality and immeasurable talent –  Rudolph Nureyev, Edith Piaf, Elsa Schiaparelli, Marlene Dietrich and Cecil Beaton to name a few.

Revel at the beauty of gelatin prints
All of Penn’s prints use the vintage silver gelatin process, which gives uncompromising quality and incredible contrast. Looking at the photographs makes a recent batch of DSLR prints I paid a fortune for look like a bad job by Snappy Snaps.

For more information or to book tickets, click here.

Are you an artist?  Or is your creativity in fact destructive?  Illustration: Ana Botezatu

I am in danger of becoming one of Tim Jackson’s biggest fans. I saw him at a talk at the LSE last week, cialis 40mg and have read his articles everywhere in the Ecologist, generic The Guardian, hospital The Times and Adbusters. Tim Jackson is a lecturer in Sustainable Development in the University of Surrey, on the Economics Steering Group of the Government’s Sustainable Development Commission, associate of the New Economics Foundation, and author of new book Prosperity Without Growth, which he was discussing at this talk. Before I start though, I’ll just let you in on the fact that you can listen to the entire talk as a podcast, so I won’t just regurgitate what he said.

Until recently it has been blasphemy, no less, to challenge the view that the economy growing and growing and growing may in fact not actually make us better off and solve all our problems. Please note that all our governments and financial systems, no matter how left or right wing, are founded on the idea that GDP (Gross Domestic Product) must grow every year. Or else. If GDP does not grow, countries are in trouble and politicians panic. If another country’s GDP grows by a percentage more than the UK’s, the UK Treasury cries. But what does this actually mean for us? What does this sacred, beloved GDP growth actually give us?


Are we chasing the consumerist illusion of an ideal life, while the landfill builds up under our feet?  Illustration: Ana Botezatu

Tim Jackson is one of the people finding a language to question the assumption that GDP must continue to grow forever. Refreshingly, it is a language suitable for use by a recession-hit population and an environmentally confused government, which does not necessarily resort to proclamations of anti-capitalism that a lot of people would find scary. Indeed, it focuses purely on the growth aspect of the economy, which has been common to both capitalist and communist economies regardless of how they claim to distribute the subsequent wealth.  Moreover, despite what the lecture’s chair, Dr. Richard Perkins,  described as ‘provocative’ views, Tim Jackson is speaking at the LSE, wearing a suit, and advises the government….not someone sitting on the floor in an autonomous social centre, preaching to the converted then (no offence by the way, I am definitely a fan of these situations!). So perhaps there’s a chance policy makers might actually listen to him…the rammed enormous lecture hall of LSE frequenters certainly seemed to.

Back during my Erasmus days in France, I used to go to meetings of a group called Decroissance (de-growth), in Montpellier. They believed that the assumption that we need never-ending economic growth to be happy and prosper is socially and politically sanctioned borderline madness, basically. That the strange, and severely unquestioned worship of growth in GDP was actually preventing us from seeing what we might really need as a society, such as better basic services, physical and psychological health, environmental protection and greater civil participation (and hence truer democracy).  All of which the economy is currently destroying rather than creating, and which can be achieved with what we already have. I’ve just checked their website, and they seem to have gone a long way since the slightly garish monthly newspaper they used to publish back in my Erasmus days.

“How can a continually expanding sub-system exist within the finite limits of the planet?” It was a simple, standard question that Tim Jackson started with. While political focus lately has been uniquely on carbon emissions (as if this was isolated from all other environmental issues), one of our biggest environmental and therefore social problems is in fact our over-use of natural resources. A tiny percentage of us on this planet are biting massive irreplaceable chunks out of the only hand that feeds the entire planet, i.e. the planet itself (Tim showed us a diagram which demonstrates how we have already gone beyond the safe operating space for humanity). While some people choose to point the finger at population growth, the issue at stake is in fact our rate of unsustainable over-consumption. Cutting population growth so that we can carry on producing more and more stuff that only some of us will be able to consume, instead of questioning how much crap we produce and consume in the first place, is missing the point, surely.


Is materialism getting in the way of the meaningful relationships that have enabled our survival?  Illustration: Ana Botezatu

Using many simple graphs and pie charts, Tim showed how income per capita raises standard of living and life expectancy only up to a certain point. Therefore, in the countries with the lowest GDP and income per capita, rising levels of income and GDP do make a big difference to life expectancy and quality of life, as they improve infrastructure and health. Beyond these levels, however, life expectancy does not correlate with income per capita at all. So, right from the start, Tim stressed that he was not promoting some kind of blanket-revolution which was suddenly universally applicable to everyone. His focus was on countries that already have a high GDP. The UK and US, for example, overproduce massively. And while our income per capita is much much higher than that of Cuba, Costa Rica or Chile, our life expectancy is lower.

Challenges to the notion of economic growth typically elicit proclamations of humanity either going back to Soviet Communism or reverting to cave-dwelling. Indeed, when questioned at the end by the audience on how policy makers can possibly find intellectual arguments to disagree with his in-depth and logical conclusions, Tim lamented that intellectual responses were, for the moment, severely lacking. Government responses to his prosperity without growth report (he is a government adviser remember), have so far included protests of the kind: “How can we make this report go away?” and, “Ah, now I understand all this Sustainable Development, it means going back to the Stone Age!”


Are we filling our lives with useless objects that don’t actually make us happy?  Illustration: Ana Botezatu

So Tim highlighted three very important parts of his work. One, we have to recognise the benefits that growth has brought, as well as the drawbacks and limitations. Two, some countries may indeed continue to require economic growth for some time. Three, both capitalist and communist economies have, in the last decades, focused on economic growth.  Four, we should start allowing ourselves to at least consider that growth may not be the answer to everything. Current recession and unemployment is a consequence of this economic system, not a result of not enough GDP growth (it has been growing rather exponentially for ages and doesn’t seem to have done the trick). So whether you agree with Tim or not, I think he’s right in saying “fix the economics, they’re already broken.”

Consider also most governments’ responses to climate change and environmental problems. We need more technology. More technology will, supposedly, make us more efficient. But the rate at which we produce more technology, in order to keep up economic growth, actually cancels out any improvements in efficiency. We are still using more coal, gas and oil, polluting more and emitting more CO2 because we are producing way too much of this supposedly ever more efficient technology. That is because the goal has not really been greater efficiency; it has been greater growth, coated with a brand spanking new varnish of eco/sustainability/green wash.

Macro-economics aside, Tim Jackson also talked about consumer habits. He mentioned something called ‘Destructive Creativity’, which is potentially what I was trying to get at in my post-LFW piece. Basically, we keep producing more and more crap, more novelty, brighter, shinier, better objects that will improve our lives. But the fact is, they don’t! Advertising is based on playing to our dreams and aspirations and suggesting they will be fulfilled by material objects. Some of them might, but after a certain point these material objects become both a personal and planetary burden. They fill our lives with junk, plunge us further into overdraft and debt, and make us increasingly depressed as we just can’t continue to live up to the ideals promised by the consumer dream machine.


Does advertising of endless new gadgets and beauty products make us strive towards a perfection that doesn’t even exist?  Illustration: Ana Botezatu

Most of those ideals, a fulfilled and happy life, are provided by what we know they have always been associated with: better, deeper, more meaningful relationships, a greater feeling of social participation, health, and a beautiful environment, however that may vary according to taste. At the moment we are increasingly consumers rather than citizens (again, that’s what I tried to get across in my sustainable fashion piece), so our social participation is becoming increasingly mediated by materialism. But such a level of materialism is actually physically impossible for the entire world. There simply isn’t enough planet for it to be possible. We therefore have to start finding new ways to participate in society in less materialistic ways, for the sake of our own survival and happiness.

As for the old adage that competition is part of human nature, and that we intrinsically will always want more and more and more, more than other people, Tim suggested that these are just the aspects of human nature which have been incentivised in today’s economy. Many psychological studies show that we have a balance between self and social interest. Indeed, as Tim said, our survival and evolution would have been impossible had we been driven purely by self-interest. What should now be done, for the sake of us all, is to make sure we incentivise the non-selfish aspects of human nature. But, quite frankly, we don’t need studies to tell us that!

There was one question from the audience which I think I’ll finish with:  How do you stay positive?
Tim Jackson’s answer: “Optimism is an act of will…It’s a better psychological strategy for achieving things.”

Food for thought and action indeed, have a listen to the podcast if you can. I’m off to get the book and I’ll let you know what I think when I’ve read it!

Categories ,Adbusters, ,Ana Botezatu, ,chile, ,Costa Rica, ,Cuba, ,GDP, ,government, ,Gross Domestic Product, ,growth, ,happiness, ,Income per Capita, ,life expectancy, ,New Economics Foundation, ,socialism, ,sustainable development, ,Sustainable Development Commission, ,the ecologist, ,The Guardian, ,The Times, ,Tim Jackson, ,Treasury, ,UK

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Amelia’s Magazine | Christmas Gift Ideas 2012: Best for Natural Skincare and Beauty

Trevarno Organic Skin Product Illustration by Alice Jamieson
Trevarno Organic Skin Products by Alice Jamieson.

Don’t forget, gift buyers, that it’s always nice to feel a bit pampered on special occasions, nudge nudge wink wink. Which is why I’m going to share some great ideas for natural and ethical beauty and skincare gifts.

trevarno skincare
I first sampled the Trevarno Skincare brand a few years ago when I wrote about it in print, and I can’t praise their products highly enough: everything is handmade using organic ingredients that are sourced for their therapeutic uses as well as cosmetic benefits at the Trevarno Farm in South Cornwall. And the gorgeous jewel coloured glass packaging will look great in the bathroom, no wonder Vogue is a fan… This season I like the sound of the Luxury Hamper containing such delights as Crabwood and Lemongrass Soap and Grapefruit and Cocoa Butter Lip Balm.

Lush fairyshiki scarf wrap
You can always bank on Lush to produce something a little bit special for Christmas: this year I am particularly loving their Fairyshiki scarf wrap which can be matched with your bath bomb of choice for a great price. Better still is its provenance – the wraps are made from recycled glass bottles, saving 170,000 from landfill. Add one to your Lush order today!

Willow Organic luxury mother baby set
I interviewed the founder of Willow Organic, Sue Stowell, awhile back and continue to be impressed by her blogging prowess – got a query about natural skincare? She’ll most likely have written about it on her website. Since I’m a mum, I’m after the Willow Organic Mother and Baby Box, which is as beautifully presented as all her products are, in a silk box (with a teddy) that can be used to store precious things at a later date. Find her latest top tips on beautifying foods here.

akamuti kalahari watermelon moisturiser
akamuti chocolate face mask
Akamuti is one of my go to brands for baby care and I absolutely adore the new packaging that is gradually coming into use across the entire product range. It makes me feel very proud to know that I instigated this particular hook up between Akamuti founder Lindsay and Jenny Lloyd, when the later illustrated my interview a few years back: an interview about this collaboration is long overdue. I particularly love Kalahari Watermelon body moisturiser, or how about a Chocolate Marshmallow Face Mask? And aren’t the illustrations on the packaging just too beautiful?

CJ’s BUTTer is an American secret that is gradually finding it’s way over to these shores: I was recommended it by someone on Etsy as a great natural brand for using on babies and I use their products on Snarfle every day. The range comes in a vast range of yummy flavours such as the best selling Monkey Farts and best of all it’s great for mummies too: I love their lemon cheesecake lip balm.

I discovered New Zealand brand Antipodes at London Fashion Week, and a bespoke facial left me floating on air. Now I’d like to try more: the Antipodes Jubilation Ultra Nourishing Body Cream would go down a treat.

Botanist Dr Paul Richards is the creative force behind Herbfarmacy, dreaming up wonderful products made from the herbs grown on his own farm. Another great brand that I’ve been using for some time – read my interview here. Why not check out some Herbfarmacy gift ideas?

Burts Bees Christmas gifts
Burt’s Bees really know how to package their goods in style: check out their gift section for a host of beautifully presented ideas. My favourite has to be For the Love of Lip Balm – an oversized lip balm tube (modelled with us in the photo above) containing a host of different lip balms for the serious addict to try. (Hands up, I am a lip balm addict.)

figs and rouge lip balms
Speaking of… Figs & Rouge produce 100% organic and petroleum free lip balms in gorgeous tins.

Andrea Garland Pill Box:Lip Balm - Squirrel
And in fact a serious lip balm addict will delight in this Andrea Garland Pill Box Lip Balm decorated with a cute Squirrel from The Lollipop Shoppe, which contains natural lip balm made from 100% shea butter. Speaking of shea butter – why not check out the fab Shea Alchemy? All the products are ridiculously good value and your purchase will help fund Afrikids, a children’s rights organisation in Ghana.

apivita xmas-gift-ideas
Greek brand Apivita have been creating natural products since the 1970s and have evolved in a sustainable manner true to their name, which is inspired by the lifecycle of a bee. If you know someone who would love to sample Apivita then why not give this fabulous vanilla and honey based gift set?

NEOM organics scentwithlove
Lastly, I’m seeing a lot of buzz online about NEOM Organics, who produce gorgeous pampering gift sets that include candles and beautiful scents such as Happiness (with White Neroli, Mimosa and Lemon)

Go on, there’s still time to treat that special someone this year…

Categories ,2012, ,Afrikids, ,Akamuti, ,Alice Jamieson, ,Andrea Garland Pill Box Lip Balm, ,Antipodes, ,Antipodes Jubilation Ultra Nourishing Body Cream, ,Apivita, ,Beauty, ,Burts Bees, ,Chocolate Marshmallow Face Mask, ,Christmas, ,CJ’s BUTTer, ,Crabwood and Lemongrass Soap, ,Dr Paul Richards, ,ethical, ,Fairyshiki, ,Figs & Rouge, ,For the Love of Lip Balm, ,ghana, ,gifts, ,Grapefruit and Cocoa Butter Lip Balm, ,Greek, ,Hamper, ,happiness, ,Herbfarmacy, ,Kalahari Watermelon body moisturiser, ,Lip Balm, ,lush, ,Luxury, ,Luxury Hamper, ,Moisturiser, ,Monkey Farts, ,NEOM Organics, ,New Zealand, ,Presents, ,Shea Alchemy, ,Shea Butter, ,Skincare, ,South Cornwall, ,Sue Stowell, ,The Lollipop Shoppe, ,Trevarno Skincare, ,Willow Organic, ,Willow Organic Mother and Baby Box

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Amelia’s Magazine | Christmas Gift Ideas 2012: Best for Natural Skincare and Beauty

Trevarno Organic Skin Product Illustration by Alice Jamieson
Trevarno Organic Skin Products by Alice Jamieson.

Don’t forget, gift buyers, that it’s always nice to feel a bit pampered on special occasions, nudge nudge wink wink. Which is why I’m going to share some great ideas for natural and ethical beauty and skincare gifts.

trevarno skincare
I first sampled the Trevarno Skincare brand a few years ago when I wrote about it in print, and I can’t praise their products highly enough: everything is handmade using organic ingredients that are sourced for their therapeutic uses as well as cosmetic benefits at the Trevarno Farm in South Cornwall. And the gorgeous jewel coloured glass packaging will look great in the bathroom, no wonder Vogue is a fan… This season I like the sound of the Luxury Hamper containing such delights as Crabwood and Lemongrass Soap and Grapefruit and Cocoa Butter Lip Balm.

Lush fairyshiki scarf wrap
You can always bank on Lush to produce something a little bit special for Christmas: this year I am particularly loving their Fairyshiki scarf wrap which can be matched with your bath bomb of choice for a great price. Better still is its provenance – the wraps are made from recycled glass bottles, saving 170,000 from landfill. Add one to your Lush order today!

Willow Organic luxury mother baby set
I interviewed the founder of Willow Organic, Sue Stowell, awhile back and continue to be impressed by her blogging prowess – got a query about natural skincare? She’ll most likely have written about it on her website. Since I’m a mum, I’m after the Willow Organic Mother and Baby Box, which is as beautifully presented as all her products are, in a silk box (with a teddy) that can be used to store precious things at a later date. Find her latest top tips on beautifying foods here.

akamuti kalahari watermelon moisturiser
akamuti chocolate face mask
Akamuti is one of my go to brands for baby care and I absolutely adore the new packaging that is gradually coming into use across the entire product range. It makes me feel very proud to know that I instigated this particular hook up between Akamuti founder Lindsay and Jenny Lloyd, when the later illustrated my interview a few years back: an interview about this collaboration is long overdue. I particularly love Kalahari Watermelon body moisturiser, or how about a Chocolate Marshmallow Face Mask? And aren’t the illustrations on the packaging just too beautiful?

CJ’s BUTTer is an American secret that is gradually finding it’s way over to these shores: I was recommended it by someone on Etsy as a great natural brand for using on babies and I use their products on Snarfle every day. The range comes in a vast range of yummy flavours such as the best selling Monkey Farts and best of all it’s great for mummies too: I love their lemon cheesecake lip balm.

I discovered New Zealand brand Antipodes at London Fashion Week, and a bespoke facial left me floating on air. Now I’d like to try more: the Antipodes Jubilation Ultra Nourishing Body Cream would go down a treat.

Botanist Dr Paul Richards is the creative force behind Herbfarmacy, dreaming up wonderful products made from the herbs grown on his own farm. Another great brand that I’ve been using for some time – read my interview here. Why not check out some Herbfarmacy gift ideas?

Burts Bees Christmas gifts
Burt’s Bees really know how to package their goods in style: check out their gift section for a host of beautifully presented ideas. My favourite has to be For the Love of Lip Balm – an oversized lip balm tube (modelled with us in the photo above) containing a host of different lip balms for the serious addict to try. (Hands up, I am a lip balm addict.)

figs and rouge lip balms
Speaking of… Figs & Rouge produce 100% organic and petroleum free lip balms in gorgeous tins.

Andrea Garland Pill Box:Lip Balm - Squirrel
And in fact a serious lip balm addict will delight in this Andrea Garland Pill Box Lip Balm decorated with a cute Squirrel from The Lollipop Shoppe, which contains natural lip balm made from 100% shea butter. Speaking of shea butter – why not check out the fab Shea Alchemy? All the products are ridiculously good value and your purchase will help fund Afrikids, a children’s rights organisation in Ghana.

apivita xmas-gift-ideas
Greek brand Apivita have been creating natural products since the 1970s and have evolved in a sustainable manner true to their name, which is inspired by the lifecycle of a bee. If you know someone who would love to sample Apivita then why not give this fabulous vanilla and honey based gift set?

NEOM organics scentwithlove
Lastly, I’m seeing a lot of buzz online about NEOM Organics, who produce gorgeous pampering gift sets that include candles and beautiful scents such as Happiness (with White Neroli, Mimosa and Lemon)

Go on, there’s still time to treat that special someone this year…

Categories ,2012, ,Afrikids, ,Akamuti, ,Alice Jamieson, ,Andrea Garland Pill Box Lip Balm, ,Antipodes, ,Antipodes Jubilation Ultra Nourishing Body Cream, ,Apivita, ,Beauty, ,Burts Bees, ,Chocolate Marshmallow Face Mask, ,Christmas, ,CJ’s BUTTer, ,Crabwood and Lemongrass Soap, ,Dr Paul Richards, ,ethical, ,Fairyshiki, ,Figs & Rouge, ,For the Love of Lip Balm, ,ghana, ,gifts, ,Grapefruit and Cocoa Butter Lip Balm, ,Greek, ,Hamper, ,happiness, ,Herbfarmacy, ,Kalahari Watermelon body moisturiser, ,Lip Balm, ,lush, ,Luxury, ,Luxury Hamper, ,Moisturiser, ,Monkey Farts, ,NEOM Organics, ,New Zealand, ,Presents, ,Shea Alchemy, ,Shea Butter, ,Skincare, ,South Cornwall, ,Sue Stowell, ,The Lollipop Shoppe, ,Trevarno Skincare, ,Willow Organic, ,Willow Organic Mother and Baby Box

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Amelia’s Magazine | The School of Life open day

Graham Carter’s joyful prints reference many of the most loved images in modern culture: the characters from Star Wars or the eerie but manageable magic of Spirited Away. The artistic sensibilities stop these nostalgic influences from turning into twee: the gorgeously rendered digital art glows with vibrant colours and many of the works are made 3-dimensional with painstakingly applied wood veneers, find sale or cut-out perspex shapes that lend shadows to a noir city scene.

This is the kind of art you’d love to have in your own house (I made enquiries! Prices average at around £150). The small details show wit and add a lovely personal feeling to the prints: a towerblock soars above a city landscape but is made friendly by a pair of eyes and a winning smile. When you spot a tiny figure peeping out of the digital grass you fall in love with the world in the picture. Each picture tells a story that you can imagine going on far beyond the edges of the frame, like that of the little girl and her huge Samurai friend, pictured below.


Amelia’s Magazine interviewed the artist to find out more.

AM: Tell me a bit more about the title of the exhibition, “East Meets West”.

GC: It was an intentionally open title really, to try and represent my current fascination with Eastern culture whilst also allowing me to continue experimenting with elements of early American design, which have been creeping into my work of late. I should point out that my work is never extensively researched (as you can probably tell) as I prefer to make things up – or put my own spin on things. The world as I would like it to be and not really how it is…
Towards the end of its development I wanted the show to almost be a kind of travel diary/scrapbook; a couple of recurring characters making their way from one city to the next (New York to Tokyo, via New Yokyo, a hybrid of the two). And in some pictures in the distance you can spot elements of previous images (something I always tend to do).


AM: You are obviously inspired by screen culture (especially Sci Fi!) Could you tell me about why these influences appeal to you? The original influences are quite tech-y and macho but your works are really whimsical and beautiful, they remind me more of Hayao Miyazaki than Michael Bay.

GC: I’ve always loved sci-fi films so I guess it was only a matter of time before elements crept into my work. It’s largely the machines that fascinate me rather than the action. My favourite parts of the film are usually when the protagonists are just sitting around/hiding/waiting inside their pods/spaceships without the stress of battle!
I have been watching a lot of Miyazaki of late. He and Wes Anderson are my favourite film makers as they have created their own little worlds that seem to make perfect sense despite all the unusual happenings on screen.
I’m also a sucker for a robot.


AM: Some of your works are printed on wood or made of inlaid wood. What is it about wood as a material that appeals to you? Is it very hard work getting the solid wood pieces manufactured? How are they made?

GC: A phase I am going through largely, but one I am constantly fascinated with. From getting one thing laser cut, it has opened me up into a whole new way of seeing my work and the possibilities are pretty huge.
The texture of wood appeals to me and also the ‘natural’ connotations. I love the idea that someone may have constructed a working robot from found wood for example. Wood also has that old-fashioned appeal. I’m more enamoured with the look of bygone toys and their clock-work components than anything sleek and soulless.
I worked with a company called Heritage Inlay on the laser cut images and the inlaid pieces. Usually I design them and they construct them. But in some cases I like to order the separate components and put them together myself as in the case of the 3 images composed of laser-cut perspex, silkscreen backing and screen-printed glass [see image below].


AM: I loved the perspex “landscape” pieces. Is it very different creating something 3D to making a print?

GC: I treat the process the same way as a 2D piece really. They all start out life as a digital layered file on my computer so I can see roughly how they will work. I’m never entirely sure how the 3D piece will work until I have a finished one, due to unforeseen elements such as shadows running over parts of the background print etc. That’s why I find it an exciting way to work.

Graham Carter@The Coningsby Gallery
August 31 – September 12
30 Tottenham Street , London, W1T 4RJ

If you’d like to see an online array of Carter’s works, investigate e-gallery Boxbird.

When scouring the latest releases for something worthy of talking about, unhealthy an album opener of the primary school rhyme to remember Henry VIII’s wives, is going to catch your attention. Recently signed to Andy Turner‘s ATIC Records, The Witch and the Robot are a treasure trove of oddities waiting to assault and bemuse your senses with their first release ‘On Safari.’


Aforementioned opener, ‘Giant’s Graves’, introduces a theme that runs throughout the album of pagan chanting, psychotic percussion and bizarre lyrics. With a name check to philosopher, St. Thomas Aquinas, in the following track, lead singer Andrew Tomlinson screams: “God is mackerel” against an array of fowl (as in bird) noises.

Standout track, and title for that matter, ‘No Flies On Me (Jam Head)’ is an example of the alluring world that the band create, rich in competing layers of sonic beauty. If you were wondering, it’s about wealthy golfers who employ a man to take the bait of flies by covering his bonce in the sticky stuff.


Live performances are known to emulate some kind of terrifying children’s party with helium balloons, cream pies, fighting and bunting all playing a part. In addition to putting out the most unique blend of folk, psychedelia and prose heard this year, the band run a night where each punter is entered into a compulsory meat raffle. They explain: “We sometimes play surrounded by raw meat on stage. It’s referencing our own mortality, the fragility of life, it’s visceral, sexual even, but also it is nicely weird.”


At this stage, you’re probably wondering where a band of such peculiar entities are from… That picturesque, romantic stretch of idyll, the Lake District of course… That same region of the UK that has inspired the poems of Keats, Collingwood and Wordsworth to name but a few. This could perhaps explain the spoken word entry on ‘Sex Music(Beef on Music)’, which does narrate a meeting of the sexes but in a less romantic context than our nineteenth century forefathers. Their eccentric yet catchy sounds have caught the attentions of fellow Cumbrians and Amelia’s Magazine faves, British Sea Power and they were asked to open their festival in north Yorkshire.


If you can’t make your mind up whether they are performance art with access to a recording studio or actually have the intention of being a band at all, De-Nihilism should answer this for you; a sprawling rock track that transports you to the Arizona Desert, but there you’d most probably be wearing a silly outfit and singing a shanty.

This album is humorously fun yet dark and mysterious all delivered with a conviction and musicianship that compels another listen… “Divorced, beheaded, died/Divorced, beheaded, survived.” Just in case you’d forgotten.

Less of a protest than a gentle nudge, physician the aim of the 10:10 campaign is to sign members of the public up to a pledge to reduce their carbon emissions by 10% by the end of 2010. A star-spangled event at Tate Modern encouraged thousands to sign up to make this change. It was a very different approach from the grassroots events at the Climate Camp last weekend and had an entirely different goal: to get ordinary people to make small changes to save the world.


But hasn’t this message been preached for years with little result? I always refuse carrier bags at the supermarket but this does not appear to have yet halted global warming. Support in reducing my consumption of resources in all parts of my life is very welcome and, patient having signed up, cheap I’m going to take up some of the tips on offer such as going vegan three days a week. I’m a lazy environmentalist: I care and I know what needs to be done, but I find it hard not to fly, as many people do with relatives who live abroad. I get confused as to whether this cancels out all of my efforts on the recycling and public transport front. There are many of us out there, and still more who find it hard to get motivated when the problem seems so big.


Campaigns like 10:10 often draw mixed responses from the green movement. Many of those who have informed themselves about climate change and have made meaningful changes to their lifestyle will be puzzled by the half-measure of asking people to take one less flight a year. It’s frustrating to see 10% held up as a magic figure when in reality we need to be drastically reducing our use of resources to avoid being the most reviled generation in the history of mankind. We don’t need to switch off a light every now and then; we need to stop using freezers and eating meat. These aren’t sacrifices that the majority of people are willing to have prized from their cold, dead hands, so instead they do nothing. That’s why it is necessary to have well-promoted and unintimidating ventures like 10:10, because otherwise instead of 10% it will be 0%.


However, with all the best intentions, it’s not realistic to rely on individual decision-making and a small change in some lives won’t make enough of a difference. International politics and the Western economic model, which views increased consumption and growth as the only positive outcome, make it very hard for governments to lead the way. And if they did try to radically change the way the average Briton lives it would be hard for us to stomach. But we can’t have our cake and eat it. There are very difficult decisions to be made and at the moment they are being taken by a vanishingly small minority. It can’t be one lightbulb: it must be everyone’s lightbulb, every night, forever.

Both Climate Camp and 10:10 show that green campaigning can be given a high profile in the media through well-designed websites and using new modes of communication such as Facebook and Twitter. The mainstreaming of climate change awareness can only be a good thing, and it’s important to normalise making big changes in lifestyle. Living a “green” life needs to be seen as less expensive and we need to cultivate a better array of things to do in Britain that don’t require a car or a credit card. What is required is a paradigm shift in the way the majority of the population lives and going green needs to be seen as “just something you do”. Soon enough, owning more than one car will become embarrassing rather than a status symbol, but by the time the sea is lapping at everyone’s front door, it will be a little late to argue about who was the best environmentalist in 2009.

It can be done. It just needs to be done at a slightly quicker rate. Going green needs to be cheap and cheerful and to be made easier psychologically. Efforts like 10:10 help with this, but at the end of 2010, the bar needs to be set a little higher. We need to knock off another 10% in 2011, and then another. Asking for more all in one go won’t work but perhaps turning up the heat a little at a time will.
It’s all about looking forwards, website loads of opportunities to learn about the current climate chaos and our government-led impending doom and chances to get involved in taking action and planning what on earth we can do.

Green Jobs and the Green Energy Revolution: is the government doing enough?
Date: Monday 07 Sep 2009 ?

An opportunity for people to get together to discuss the UK’s future direction in the ‘green sector.’ There are talks from Green party and Labour candidates as well as Union directors and workers from the Vestas factory who lost their jobs when the government closed down a wind turbine factory.
This meeting also comes as part of the build up to the next “Save Vestas” National Day of Action on Thursday 17th September.
morningsounds%20copy.jpg Illustration by Katy Gromball
Time: 19:00
Venue: Conway Hall, site Red Lion Square, Holborn

No New Coal Stopping Kingsnorth
Date: Wednesday 09 Sep 2009

A post Climate Camp meeting to keep the ball rolling on the planned actions and campaigns throughout the Autumn. Greenpeace will be outlining their forthcoming campaign ‘The Big If’ which asks supporters to make pledges as to what they will do if Ed Miliband gives the go-ahead for a new dirty coal power station at the Kingsnorth site in Kent. Climate activist Jonathan Stevenson will be looking back at last week’s Climate Camp and other actions that have raised awareness of the government’s lack of initiatives in reducing the UK’s carbon footprint.
There will also be film screening and a chance to discuss future strategies in combating the expansion of other coal power stations as well as Kingsnorth.
?Time: 7pm till 8.30pm
Venue: Housmans Bookshop, 5 Caledonian Road, London N1 9DX
Contacts: Nik Gorecki, 020 7837 4473

Making rustic furniture
Date: Friday 11 Sep 2009 to Sunday 13 Sep 2009

A workshop held over next weekend in Sussex where people can learn how to make their own furniture and craft their own objects from wood. It is run by people from the Low-Impact Living Initiative (LILI) which is a non-profit organisation whose mission is to help people reduce their impact on the environment, improve their quality of life, gain new skills, live in a healthier and more satisfying way, have fun and save money.
The course will also teach people to understand the different characteristics and uses of wood and hopefully come back with an elegant and unique piece of furniture for the house.

Venue: Wholewoods, Sussex
Contacts: 01296 714184
Spitalfields Show & Green Fair
Date: Sunday 13 Sep 2009

This weekend sees the start of the Green Fair which includes home-made produce and handicrafts plus a whole range of stalls run by groups and organisations with Fairtrade goods, healthy food, healing therapies and projects raising environmental awareness. Make sure to check out the Mobile Allotment designed by artist Lisa Cheung. The fair is run by Alternative Arts, which is an innovatory arts organisation based in Spitalfields, East London. They invest in new artists and new ideas and aim to make the arts highly accessible to the public.
suzyGillustration.jpg Illustration by Suzy Phillips
Venue: Allen Gardens & Spitalfields City Farm, Buxton St. E1
Time: 12 noon – 5pm
Contacts: 020 7375 0441

Disarm DSEi 2009
Date: 8 September

The worlds largest Arms fair is due to take place in the next couple of days, at DSEi 2007, there were 1352 exhibitors from 40 different countries with a total of 26,5000 visitors. The trade fuels conflict, undermines development and creates poverty around the world.
DISARM DSEi are calling for people to join together to unstick these institutions, expose the devastation they cause, and hold them to account for their actions.
Disarm DSEi call on people to come with love and rage; music and militancy; desire and determination and hope to show the government that we should no longer tolerate the death and destruction the arms trade causes.
Disarm DSEi will be meeting at 12 noon on Tuesday 8th September outside the Royal Bank of Scotland on Whitechapel High Street, near Aldgate East Tube, before going on to visit several companies in the City of London that invest in the arms trade and care little about the consequences for the victims of war.
A flash mob at the Fourth plinth today got things going with people people handing out leaflets and raising awareness by lying ‘dead’ on the ground along side a banned unfurled on the plinth, part of Antony Gormley’s One and Other project.

Meet 12 Noon Near Aldgate East Tube

Bristol Anarchist Bookfair
Date: 12 September

Much more than a bookfair, the event hosts a range of debates, discussion meetings, film showings and gives a chance for people to meet and learn from each other. There is even a cheap vegan cafe to get stuck into. 35 stalls will be set up with an extensive range of radical and alternative books, pamphlets, zines, music, badges, dvd’s, t-shirts, merchandise and free information on a range of different topics.

The Island, Bridewell Street, BS1 2PZ
10.30-6.00 Free entry
From next Monday Amelia’s Magazine will be running between various fashion related events before the opening of London Fashion Week 2009 on Friday 18th September at Somerset House. Below are some of the events occurring as the capital turns its attention towards the Strand.

Tuesday 8th September


Earlier this month Amelia’s Magazine visited the When You’re a Boy exhibition at the Photographer’s Gallery and recommends you take the chance to visit before the 4th October. The show refreshingly celebrates men in fashion and focuses on menswear stylist Simon Foxton, order who will be talking at The Photographers Gallery on Tuesday 8th September at 7pm. See the previous article here.


Prick your Finger appear at Howies shop in Carnaby Street tomorrow night to discuss the increase in hand knitting through the story ‘Cast Off Knitting Club For Boys and Girls’ and the rise of knitting in public back. Prick your Finger will move onto discuss how they established their shop and the promotion of craft as a constructive past-time alongside promoting an awareness of the textile industry.

Doors open at 7.15 and it is a free event.

Thursday 10th September

Pop up shops are spreading like a rash across the London landscape in the run up to Fashion Week. Most are money-spinners disguised as concepts taking their cue from Dover St Market and the idea that investing in a limited edition is a more acceptable version of consumerism. It is not, order please think before you buy how many times you will wear garment and how you will dispose of it, hospital once you are bored and fashion has ‘moved’ on.

Garance Dore Photography

Carnaby Street appears to be the hotspot destination for the pop up shop, starting with Beyond the Valley’s pop up store, continuing with Gap’s 40th Denim anniversary shop opening this Thursday to the music of VV Brown and a collaboration with fashion blogger extraordinaire Garance Dore, to the forth coming ‘Wish you were here’ London and New York Boutique swap
in October.

Sunday 13th September


Dazed and Confused Magazine pre-empts the opening of SHOWstudio’s Fashion Revolution with their Fashion In Film showcase as part of the onedotzero season at the BFI. Hand picked by the editorial team this showing promises to be an interesting example of documenting fashion in film.

Thursday 17th September

However, the one pop up store to watch out for is On|Off’s boutique which opens on the 16th September and runs until the 22nd. Apart from featuring the wide range of designers who have shown at On|Off during the past twelve season, the boutique will provide visitors to the shop the opportunity to watch live catwalk feed and backstage interviews with designers.

8 Newburgh Street, W1

Friday 18th September


To coincide with London Fashion Week’s move to Somerset House, SHOWstudio (the online fashion site established by Nick Knight) have organised the Fashion Revolution exhibition which will open to the public on the 17th September. The exhibition will showcase the methods used by the website in collaboration with stylists, photographers, fashion designers and cultural figures to develop the methods through which fashion is communicated. Mainly concentrating on capturing fashion on film, these explorations of interaction between clothing, body and audience will be documented in the show under the titles: ‘Process’, ‘Performance’ and ‘Participation’.



If Fashion on Film is a particular interest do not forget Rich Mix’s Fashion on Film Season starting on Sunday 20th September. To find out more about the Rich Mix Season you can visit previous posts here and here.


This week’s arts happenings, cheapest as recommended by Amelia’s Magazine.

Tonight until Thursday

Creative Review Graduate Show

This “graduate show” has a difference as, salve rather than graduating from a school, salve these are new artists who have already been featured in the pages of the learned Creative Review. There are six contributors:

Tom Lovell
Mark Boardman
James Callahan and Joe Kiers
Tomomi Sayuda
Eilin Bergum
Matt Robinson and Tom Wrigglesworth


The exhibition is on at Mother London until Thursday September 10.


$9.99 @ the onedotzero festival

Onedotzerois known for bringing an eclectic but well-edited mix of cinema from film-makers of many nationalities, dealing in shorts, animation, documentary and music video. New filmmakers and established artists show alongside one another, but all work is brand new and there is an almost overwhelming amount and variety to see. Amelia’s is intrigued to see the animated film “$9.99”, based on the short stories of Etgar Keret. Based on what one has read in his books “Kneller’s Happy Campers” and others, it promises to be full of sex (as you can see from the screenshot, above), slightly bleak but also very funny and clever, and sometimes even poignant when it comes to family and the failings of one’s parents.


Friday 11 September, 7.30pm, free

Salon Closing Night ft. Ross Sutherland & The Sunday Defensive

The closing night party for the pop-up arts project Salon London features writer Ross Sutherland, whose collection of poems “Things To Do Before You Leave Town” got him onto the Times’ list of Top Ten Literary Stars of 2008. His star is still rising, so hear him read at Salon, and while you’re listening to his wordplay, think up some clever heckles to throw at The Sunday Defensive, a comedy duo just back from the Edinburgh Fringe and therefore no doubt ready with a witty comeback.


All week 9-30 September
Mother Courage and Her Children

Fiona Shaw takes the title role in this influential play by Bertholt Brecht. It’s the story of a woman wheeling and dealing her way to profit while her children fall sacrifice to the war machine. Recent world history has shone a light on the toll in young lives that war takes while the older generation look on and, in some cases, profit. The show also features new music from The Duke Special. The magnificent Shaw starts her run as Mother Courage from Wednesday September 9.

Monday 7th September
Gemma Ray and The Rayographs
The Lexington, nurse London


Pop noirette Ray plays stomping Americana with an Essex drawl, opening London trio, Rayographs are equally as alluring.

Tuesday 8th September
The Social, London


Brooklyn via San Francisco trio, Lemonade, have a passion for cowbells and Balearic house are making party waves across the pond and play their only UK gig (apart from Bestival) right here.

Wednesday 9th September
Herman Dune, Eugene McGuinness, Gaggle, Neil’s Children and An Experiment On A Bird In The Air Pump
229, London


Opening night of the Fistful Of Fandango fest kicks off a treat with Israeli lo-fi french poppers, Herman Dune, heading the bill of an excellent line-up of robust acts.

Thursday 10th September
Peter Broderick
Bush Hall, London


Classically trained Broderick, has delighted festival crowds this summer with his multi-layered, lush tracks. There will also be a screening of short film ‘The White Door’, the directorial debut by Jason ‘My Name Is Earl’ Lee.

Friday 11th September
The Waterson Family and The Eliza Carthy Band
Southbank Centre, London


One look at 1960s footage of this clan and you’ll realise why folk is most definitely cool again. What started with The Watersons has been effortlessly handed down to the youngest Carthy.

Saturday 12th September
Tune-Yards, Jeremy Jay and more
Old Blue Last, London


DIY, experimental folk solo act, Tune-Yards, is the new signing to 4AD and is joined on the night by Jay and other acts of an avant-folk bias.

Sunday 13th September
Dirty Projectors and Tune-Yards
Scala, London


Challenging and beguiling art-poppers, Dirty Projectors, play their mix of post punk, avant pop, nu-jazz and Afro pop in this one-off London show. If you didn’t catch her at the Old Blue, Tune-Yards opens.

Climate Camp was held over last week on Blackheath Common at a site with a history of English protest, view notably during the Peasants’ Revolt of 1381. This time there was a more middle-class revolt, link although in aid of an equally good cause.


With the aim of raising awareness about the corporations and governments who are intent on destroying the world with irreversible climate change through their capitalist greed, tadalafil the Camp was also to train and mobilise people for the climate swoop in October and the impending Copenhagen talks in December. The camp was a form of direct action in itself, where we aimed to live differently to the world of Canary Wharf and the city we could see in the distance. The camp was consensus- and volunteer-led, where everybody chipped in and could offer their opinions at the regular if not hourly meetings. Given the four hour meeting on the opening day it was a wonder to me we managed to achieve so much in the week.

The first morning began by anticipating the camp location, and, after the initial rush and stress of setting up, with the perimeter fences and tripods in place we were ready for the influx of the swoopers.


Putting up the first fences
Looming clouds welcomed the first stream of cyclists who were closely followed by different groups from various locations across London, specifically chosen to highlight ecological or social issues; from the oil corporations BP and Shell to the sites of the deaths of Jean Charles de Menezes and Ian Tomlinson.


On defense it soon became apparent that the police weren’t taking too much interest and so I was left to direct my attention towards setting up the neighborhoods; with a combination of efforts the marquees were soon up. After only a few hours the camp was taking shape with a few compost toilets in place and hay-bales in the hundreds.

Throughout the camp the police mainly kept their distance which meant that everybody was able to keep their focus away from the police and towards the issue at hand. This differed pleasantly from certain protests in the past taking place in Heathrow, Kingsnorth, and Drax, not to mention the recent G20.


Each day there were plenty of workshops to observe, be active in, or have a siesta to. The sheer amount of subjects and speakers was overwhelming, which made it difficult to stay in one place for too long without considering all the other things you were missing out on. Certainly a highlight was the the direct action training, which consisted of daily games in which people could get trained up in different tactics such as using lock-ons and tripods as well as advice on how to cope with stressful environments. Amongst the numerous talks by a range of inspiring speakers, Bicycology held workshops about pedal power and there was an opportunity to learn about wind turbines from the V3 collective.

By Sunday the camp was in full swing with up to five thousand people passing through the gates, but despite the obvious benefits it was somehow just a bit too nice. It was meant to be a camp wholly to promote climate action but many attendees appeared to see it largely as a means for personal enjoyment as opposed to wide and active social change. Don’t get me wrong, the community giving their support was totally a positive element, but to bring down the capitalist state something more was definitely needed.

Monday saw the first day of actions take place with a flash mob at the city airport. Again the police were on their best behaviour, which just felt a bit too calculating for my liking.
Flash mob at City Airport
On Tuesday a large proportion of the camp headed into the city, where with banners, flyers and animal masks we boarded the tube and headed to the bank of England.


Spiky fluff or fluffy spike, I’m not quite sure how to describe the day of action, the temporary shutting down of RBS and the naked invasion of the E-on PR offices but the day had some prominence and there was even some limited media coverage. I’m sure we managed to turn at least a few heads.


For a camp that was billed as not looking to provoke too many disagreements with the police it definitely kept to its word with only one arrest during the whole week. However, with climate catastrophe around the corner I feel it’s time to up the ante and I look forward to some more spiky stuff at the Climate Swoop in October.

For information about the Climate Swoop, keep checking the Amelia’s Magazine Earth section, we will be blogging about it soon!

The School of Life describes itself as dealing with the grand problem of “how to live wisely and well.” All the little itches that modern life brings can lead to feeling depressed, mind demotivated, order or just not doing any of the things you hoped. It’s easy to be so exhausted by your job that you go home, microwave something and slump over, essentially staring at the wall until you fall asleep. But at some point it will get better, right?


The School is designed to help us stop thinking this way and start living, but without the cheesy self-help mantras. Far from being scary like a course of therapy, they come up with lighter, more fun ways to explore yourself and to improve your day-to-day living. I had been meaning to go for ages but couldn’t quite get over the hurdle of thinking it was going to be either intimidating or some kind of twee Brownie-pack for New Agers. At their open day last weekend, however, I sampled a few mini-versions of what they have to offer and ended up staying for hours.


I signed up for the “bibliotherapy” sessions and was soon seated next to a lovely and very knowledgeable man whose job was to help me find the authors and books I could be reading, based on what I already like. He listened to me reel off the none-too-exciting books I had been reading, and what I liked to read as a kid and what I feel like I’m missing. I left with a little list of unexpected writers, plus one I’d been meaning to start reading for a while. All his recommendations got bumped to the top of my mental list of Books To Read In My Life. After all, these were chosen just for me. Please note, these sessions are intended for everyone from those who have read Ulysses and feel like there is nothing left in life to conquer to someone who read one book five years ago and that was Jordan’s autobiography.


Second up was the “conversation café”. I saw at least one nervous gentleman bolt for the door when he heard what it was about: you’re given a card printed with a conversation topic, a free cup of tea and a plate of cake and matched with a stranger with whom you are to discuss subjects like “advice you would give your past self” or “when did you stop being a child?” As I don’t suffer from pathological shyness, I found it interesting. As I went with a friend there was also some hysterical laughter over what advice we would give ourselves and each other as sixteen-year-olds. “Don’t go out with him!” was a theme.

I had such a good time and it wasn’t just the free cake. I packed a few unusual experiences into the afternoon and I felt really comfortable in the cosy carpeted and mural-painted surroundings. Having someone listen to what you have to say was pleasantly indulgent, but I also felt like I was challenging myself to think a little harder about myself and what really makes me feel good in life. It seems to be rooted in the idea of spending time and money on experiences instead of things. I’m booking myself in for one of their lectures this autumn – perhaps on “How to spend time alone” – and maybe a longer session with my kindly book advisor.

Categories ,books, ,happiness, ,philosophy, ,The School of Life

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