Amelia’s Magazine | Peek-a-Boo! Boo Saville: Trolley Gallery


All artworks courtesy of Boo Saville. Indefinate series, clinic Oil on canvas, no rx 2008

Boo Saville’s show at the Trolley Gallery on Redchurch Street isn’t the kind of thing that tomes and volumes can be written about. But I’ll see how far I get. This is certainly her most confident work yet.


How do we feel?, Bleach on black cotton, 2010

The white backgrounds are gone, so has the ball-point pen. Instead we have richly dark spaces that exert magnetic and religious forces on the viewer. Where once we were separated from the subjects by a very stark distancing, we are now fully empathetic.

5Bog man, Biro on paper, 2006

Subject has become self for Saville. But there’s more than just one idea here. The imagery that might zip through your mind ranges from the intensity of being buried alive to the irreverent madcap guffaws of Noel Fielding. Sometimes it’s like finding a number and jet Francis Bacon in an archaeological dig. But that’s really about it for wordy analysis; this is simply work you have to look at (unlike most of Redchurch Street at the moment).


Ghost, Monoprint, 2009

It’s great to see Saville’s CV getting better and better. Boo Saville studied at the Slade School of Art, London. From 2003 she formed part of the WOWOW! collective in south London with the artist Matthew Stone. In 2007 she was a nominee for the Sovereign Painting Prize, and in the summer of 2008 she worked on a residency in Paris at the Cite des Arts. Her first solo show was at Martin Summers Fine Art in 2008.

lr_boo_saville_3_1The Explorer, Bleach on black cotton, 2009

Her work has recently been acquired by the forthcoming Museum of New and Old Art, Tazmania. She was recently featured in Francesca Gavin’s book ‘Hell Bound: New Gothic Art’ and her forthcoming book on British artist under 35 years old. In January 2010 she was featured in Vogue’s ‘British talent’ special, ES Magazine, The Times and The Independent. After Trolley her next solo show will be at Studio Visconti, Milan in September 2010. She lives and works in London. Definitely tipped for the top. Three of these six canvases are stunning. Go see. For a virtual tour, visit here.


Shi, Biro on paper, 2008

The Boo Saville exhibition runs from Fri 05 Feb 2010 – Sat 13 Mar 2010

The address is Trolley Books, 73a Redchurch Street, London E2 7DJ  tel +44(0)20 7729 6591   fax +44(0)20 7739 5948


Categories ,Boo Saville, ,contemporary art, ,exhibition, ,Exhibition Review, ,Francis Bacon, ,london, ,Monoprint, ,painting, ,print, ,Saatchi Gallery, ,Slade School Of Fine Art, ,Trolley Gallery

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Amelia’s Magazine | Art Car Boot Fair 2013 Review

art car boot fair review
This year’s Art Car Boot Fair was noticeably busier than the previous ones I have attended, despite the drabness of the day. A tipping point has been reached, and it’s unique charms are now reaching a wider crowd beyond the trendy Shoreditch regulars. Whilst this can only be a good thing for the artists (some of whom are not as well known or rich as Peter Blake) it made for a far less pleasant experience. Particularly with a little one in tow: the car park behind the Truman Brewery is not a good place to hang out with children. This meant my visit was fairly fast, then straight across Allen Gardens to the far more relaxed environs of Spitalfields City Farm, which hosts the Eco-Chic Outdoor Market every Sunday through summer. Of course I hung out long enough to make a few purchases and take copious photos… here’s what I saw.

An amazing outfit & floral headdress at the #artcarbootfair
Lots of people make an effort to be outrageous: how about this dashing cartoon character made real (above) or an amazing floral headdress to make an impact on the crowd?

gavin turk
Peter Blake had already packed up and gone home by the time we arrived shortly after lunch. Sadly (maybe?) I don’t think fellow famous artist Gavin Turk sold too many balloons. An Avante Garde step too far perhaps?

chris balls
Chris’ Balls made a delightful pattern laid out on a rug.

boo saville
Portraits by Boo Saville swung artfully in the breeze.

cliff pearcey
cliff pearcey
One of my favourite stalls every year is that of Cliff Pearcey, who has a real eye for creating up cycled products out of old tat. Above you can see Snarfle surveying my piece, Booking (Geddit?) I loves it.

The Whitechapel Gallery were trying to persuade people to slap the jelly arse at #artcarbootfair
The Whitechapel Gallery were trying to persuade people to slap the jelly arse by artist Justine Pearsall, and I must say it did have a rather fabulous wobble.

Felt Beatles by John Gathercole
Felt Beatles by John Gathercole got the thumbs up from craft lovers on my instagram feed.

pure evil
Pure Evil did ridiculous business, with a queue snaking around half the market thanks to his appearance in The Apprentice and subsequent fame.

sock monster
Not sure who created these bizarre sock monsters, maybe good for a doorstop?!

Bespoke collage pizza art at keelertornero
Bespoke collages on vintage vinyl at the PIZZARTERIA by artists KEELERTORNERO.

Ace silk scarf by Mark Titchner. Feel Good Now
I love this ace silk scarf by Mark Titchner. Feel Good Now: fine sentiments.

Spooky girls embroidered artwork by the Binnie Sisters
The Binnie Sisters were in residence inside a gazebo hung with their artwork, including this spooky girls embroidered portrait of two girls. Out front a painted car was for sale ‘contents included‘ – those contents including an old television heavily encrusted with paint. I’ve been trying to find out more about these intriguing artists, who together with Wilma Johnson were founders of the Neo-Naturist body painting cabaret in the early 80s.

Ladies by Wilma Johnson, #neonaturist #surfmama
Wilma herself had travelled over from her home in France to take part: I love her loose style of painting in black ink, then colouring in with bright colours… so much so that I commissioned her to draw our family portrait for a mere £20. Wilma Johnson is another fascinating character, having left Ireland with her three children to pursue her dream of learning how to surf when she was well past the age of 40. Her biography, Surf Mama (published by Beautiful Books), has received unanimously glowing reviews on amazon and I’d love to read it, once I find the time.

Wilma Johnson the Surf Mama
wilma johnson family portrait
I wonder what next year will bring… in the meantime find the Art Car Boot Fair at the Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park on 27-28th July.

Categories ,Allen Gardens, ,Art Car Boot Fair, ,Beautiful Books, ,Boo Saville, ,Chris Balls, ,Cliff Pearcey, ,Eco-Chic Outdoor Market, ,Felt Beatles, ,Gavin Turk, ,John Gathercole, ,Justine Pearsall, ,Keeler & Tornero, ,KEELERTORNERO, ,Mark Titchner, ,Neo-Naturist, ,Peter Blake, ,Pure Evil, ,shoreditch, ,Spitalfields City Farm, ,Surf Mama, ,The Apprentice, ,The Binnie Sisters, ,Truman Brewery, ,Whitechapel Gallery, ,Wilma Johnson

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