Amelia’s Magazine | Free Range Graduate Shows 2012: Middlesex University Graphic Design Ba Hons Review

MDX box set graduate show
Special mention must go to the booklet which accompanied the graphic design show by Middlesex University graduates, part of a box set that was cleverly designed to emulate an old VHS cassette tape holder (complete with fuzzy noise on the website). Here’s what stood out as I raced around the show:

Middlesex University Illustration -Thomas Brand
Middlesex University Illustration -Thomas Brand
Wonderful bold design and shapely type from Thomas Brand.

Middlesex University graphic design -Januar Rianto
Middlesex University graphic design -Januar Rianto

A knowing nod to subtervising and the rise of social media by Januar Rianto, with his Fire of Each Other project.

Middlesex University graphic design Christoph Gey Design
Work by Christoph Gey Design also queried modern life.

Middlesex University graphic design -Kristell Sampaga
Middlesex University graphic design -Kristell Sampaga
Middlesex University graphic design -Kristell Sampaga
Kristell Sampaga had made some rather brilliant business cards to accompany some slightly unsettling photos.

Middlesex University graphic design Martina Niklas
Inspired by kids’ games, Martina Niklas had created The Body Game.

Middlesex University graphic design -Catharina Schaefer
Middlesex University graphic design -Catharina Schaefer
Our current passion for craft inspired a crochet poster by Catharina Schaefer

Middlesex University graphic design -lauren cooper
…and a Wool Week poster by Lauren Cooper.

Middlesex University Illustration -Fay Marney
Middlesex University Illustration -Fay Marney
This was one of the strongest displays: cupcake stand and jubilee styling from Fay Marney with Teacakes & Tiaras.

Middlesex University graphic design -Tilly Patsalis
Tilly Patsalis also found inspiration in our continuing obsession with cupcakes. Top marks for these last two ladies for actually having decent websites too… I’ve said it before and I’ll no doubt say it again – if you want to get a job, get a professional website. On reading a recent Digital Arts review of the graduate shows I’m glad to see that I am not the only one banging this particular drum.

Middlesex University graphic design -005
Lastly, special love for this laser etched ouija board, though I don’t know who the designer is.

Here’s my pick of the illustration graduates and some of the Graphic Design work I loved at last year’s New Blood show.

Categories ,2012, ,Box Set, ,Catharina Schaefer, ,craft, ,cupcakes, ,Fay Marney, ,Fire of Each Other, ,Free Range, ,graduate, ,Graphic Design, ,Januar Rianto, ,Kristell Sampaga, ,Lauren Cooper, ,Martina Niklas, ,MIddlesex Univerisity, ,Teacakes & Tiaras, ,Thomas Brand, ,Tilly Patsalis, ,typography

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Amelia’s Magazine | Free Range Graduate Shows 2012: Middlesex University Illustration Ba Hons Review

Middlesex University Illustration -ben hendy
I was absolutely blown away by the quality of work on display from Middlesex University illustration students this year: many students had worked in 3D and their stands included decorated objects – a far better and more engaging way to showcase their illustrations than simply plonking some drawings on the wall. Many students stuck to a simple (almost) monochrome palette, whilst others utilised a blaze of colour:

Middlesex University Illustration -ben hendy
Middlesex University Illustration -ben hendy
Ben Hendy‘s curious circus characters were splatted across an arcade pinball machine and painted with appealing energy on a rich red background. (see also the opening illustration).

§Middlesex University Illustration - amy johnson
Middlesex University Illustration
Amy Johnson combined papercutting skills with silhouetted shapes and delicate brushwork in her fairy tale themed imagery.

Middlesex University Illustration -Evagelia Segkou
Middlesex University Illustration -rae henry
Evagelia Segkou explored circus burlesque, as did Rae Henry.

Middlesex University Illustration - emma simpson
Emma Simpson explored the darker side of children’s stories with huddled, drowning and mournful figures against painterly minimalist landscapes.

Middlesex University Illustration -Emma Simpson
Middlesex University Illustration -Emma Simpson
Illustrator Fay Brown has a similar style of painting faces but prefers her figures on sparser pencil backgrounds. I liked her multi-dimensional narrative tableaux.

Middlesex University Illustration -Fredrik Eden
Fredrik Eden‘s sideshow featured strange and wonderful implements.

Middlesex University Illustration Dionne Kitching
Middlesex University Illustration Dionne Kitching
Middlesex University Illustration Dionne Kitching
Middlesex University Illustration
Middlesex University Illustration Dionne Kitching
Middlesex University Illustration Dionne Kitching
I was captivated by Dionne Kitching‘s beautiful fairytale landscapes of wolves, woods, and strange hybrid animals.

Middlesex University Illustration -abby jones
Middlesex University Illustration -abby jones
A miniature theatre and insect specimens by Abby Jones.

Middlesex University Illustration -Eileen Kai Hing Kwan
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Glorious colour combinations by Eileen Kai Hing Kwan, who explored depression and anxiety for her final project.

Middlesex University Illustration -Hannah King
Middlesex University Illustration -Hannah King
Middlesex University Illustration -Hannah King
Hannah King‘s scratchy decorated screen made me think of Edvard Munch‘s The Scream and paintings by Hieronymus Bosch.

Middlesex University Illustration -Tom Cert
Tom Cert‘s stand featured these fun neon pastel creations.

Middlesex University Illustration -Maj Abrahamsson
Middlesex University Illustration -Maj Abrahamsson
Dancing burlesque cows in tutus and oversized cherubs by Maj Abrahamsson.

Middlesex University Illustration -Fern Newton
Middlesex University Illustration -Fern Newton
Fern Newton very cleverly created artwork to be viewed through 3D specs.

Middlesex University Illustration -Saki Watanabe
A detailed view of London by Saki Watanabe.

Middlesex University Illustration -Lefki Savvidou
Middlesex University Illustration -Lefki Savvidou
Middlesex University Illustration -Lefki Savvidou
I was mesmerised by the expressive faces of Lefki Savvidou‘s simple line portraits.

Middlesex University Illustration -Abigail Moulder
Middlesex University Illustration -Abigail Moulder
Middlesex University Illustration -Abigail Moulder
Abigail Moulder took papercut artwork to the next level with her intricate set pieces. They reminded me of former Middlesex student Emma Block‘s work, but with animated animals rather than delicate dining ladies

Jean-Phillipe Calver
Middlesex University Illustration -Jean-Phillipe Calver
Jean-Phillipe Calver created these bright risograph prints.

Middlesex University Illustration -helen walter
Helen Walter
Helen Walter‘s old-fashioned style suits our over-digitised age perfectly. She had also created a clever peephole vignette.

With this kind of talent on show I am very excited to be starting my position as a Senior Lecturer in the Creative Industries at Middlesex University later this year. Read my review of the 2011 Middlesex University illustration show here.

Categories ,2012, ,3D, ,Abby Jones, ,Abigail Moulder, ,Amy Johnson, ,Ben Hendy, ,Creative Industries, ,Dionne Kitching, ,Eileen Kai Hing Kwan, ,Emma Block, ,Emma Simpson, ,Evagelia Segkou, ,Fay Brown, ,Fredrik Eden, ,Free Range, ,Hannah King, ,Helen Walter, ,illustration, ,Jean-Phillipe Calver, ,Lefki Savvidou, ,Maj Abrahamsson, ,MIddlesex Univerisity, ,Papercut, ,Rae Henry, ,review, ,Saki Watanabe, ,Senior Lecturer, ,Tom Cert

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Amelia’s Magazine | Free Range Graduate Shows 2012: Middlesex University Photography Ba Hons Review

Middlesex University Photography -Raphaelle Gosden
Middlesex University Photography -Raphaelle Gosden
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Raphaelle Gosden used children as her subjects and I also found this cute video of her subjects meeting their portrait for you to enjoy.

Middlesex University Photography -Emma Hayes
Middlesex University Photography -Emma Hayes
Middlesex University Photography -Emma Hayes
Emma Hayes placed items belonging to her naked subjects on the walls to create decorative tableaux.

Middlesex University Photography -Samale Ahmed
Middlesex University Photography -Samale Ahmed
Samale Ahmed‘s Les femmes dans Islam portrayed women in a ‘non-traditional and feminist way‘ although she claims not to be making any social observations about the way women live in Islamic countries.

Middlesex University Photography -Urte Marija Januseviciute
Middlesex University Photography -Urte Marija Januseviciute
Urte Marija Januseviciute studied Jungian ideas of unconsciousness and put together eight common complexes using props and costumes to create a surreal character for each one. I really liked these theatrical images with an 80s flavour; they may not have been intended for fashion editorial but they would certainly work well in that setting.

I apologise for the quality of images on this blog post: but if any of these young photographers had websites to showcase their work then I’d be able to show you better ones. Sigh.

Categories ,2012, ,Emma Hayes, ,feminism, ,Free Range, ,Islam, ,Jungian, ,Les femmes dans Islam, ,MIddlesex Univerisity, ,photography, ,Raphaelle Gosden, ,review, ,Samale Ahmed, ,Twins, ,Urte Marija Januseviciute

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Amelia’s Magazine | Free Range Graduate Shows 2012: Middlesex University Sonic Arts Ba Hons Review

Middlesex University sonic arts
I stepped over a lead and set off Invisible Sounds, part of an immersive sculpture by Guillaume Zenses, as soon as I wandered into the Middlesex Sonic Arts space.

Middlesex University sonic arts -Matthew Ollivier
Next door Matthew Ollivier demonstrated his Loud Painting in a Quiet Space – great spouts of coloured paint pumping inside vertical tubes to create abstract paper art that was strung along the wall behind.

Middlesex University sonic arts -Martha Winther
Martha Winther created a large scale kaleidoscopic aural sculpture.

Middlesex University sonic arts -Francesca Ross
A glass head with projections by Francesca Ross from the Fine Art course. I can’t in all honesty remember it’s sonic component but I liked the visuals!

Middlesex University sonic arts -Delfin Ortiz Djian
Delfin Ortiz Djian‘s 16 Mirrors distorted beams of light.

Middlesex University sonic arts -Mantas Kazla
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A Sonic Tennis table by Mantas Kazla was getting plenty of use on my visit.

Sadly this was the last ever show from the Middlesex Sonic Arts department, an unfortunate victim of the cuts. What a shame, because these multidisciplinary pieces have so many interesting interactive applications.

Categories ,16 Mirrors, ,2012, ,Delfin Ortiz Djian, ,Francesca Ross, ,Guillaume Zenses, ,Invisible Sounds, ,Loud Painting in a Quiet Space, ,Mantas Kazla, ,Martha Winther, ,Matthew Ollivier, ,MIddlesex Univerisity, ,review, ,Sonic Arts, ,Sonic Tennis

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Amelia’s Magazine | Best of D&AD New Blood Graphic Design Graduates 2011

New Blood show review 2011 Dawn Cooper
Illustration by Dawn Cooper.

Shh, adiposity I know that the D&AD New Blood exhibition was held absolutely months ago… but I would rather play catch up than leave all this talent behind. And besides, this blog was all prewritten – I just needed to post the bugger. Here then are the best of the graphic designers that I found, with possibly a few illustrators thrown in too as it can be hard to distinguish between the two at times.

New Blood show review 2011-Dawn Cooper
There was some wonderful work at Bath School of Art and Design: illustrations for The Outsider by Albert Camus illustrated by Dawn Cooper produced some beautiful prints.

New Blood show review 2011-Charles Van Der Essen
I thought Charles Van Der Essen‘s Atom self portrait poster was rather wonderful, as was his primary coloured beetle waving a spanner on a BMX bike.

New Blood show review 2011-David Otokpa's Eggs (Humanity)
At American Intercontinental I liked David Otokpa‘s Eggs (Humanity), a photo of many sized eggs to represent the similarities of all humans.

New Blood show review 2011-Juliana Roldao orishas
New Blood show review 2011-Juliana Roldao orishas
New Blood show review 2011-Juliana Roldao orishas
New Blood show review 2011-Juliana Roldao orishas
From Middlesex University Juliana Roldao had produced Orishas, a beautiful screenprinted book in barely there neons and black.

New Blood show review 2011-christine harrison
New Blood show review 2011-christine harrison
At Nottingham Trent Uni Christine Harrison‘s Elton the Abominable Snowman and zoetrope caught my eye.

New Blood show review 2011-samuel jones
New Blood show review 2011-samuel jones
Over at Huddersfield I liked Unleashed illustrations by Samuel Jones, which were rendered in a very basic colour range to great success.

New Blood show review 2011-Aaron Vohra
New Blood show review 2011-Aaron Vohra
A very similar colour palette was used by Aaron Vohra, who tackled people in graphics with a faintly 50s style.

New Blood show review 2011-Zane Aldere
At the University of Bedfordshire the force of Nobrow was strong: especially for Zane Aldere, who produced a hand scene printed book that tells four versions of Little Red Riding Hood in concertina form.

New Blood show review 2011-Julia Kisselmann
New Blood show review 2011-New Blood show review 2011-Julia Kisselmann
Julia Kisselmann had produced a lovely series of hand screenprinted prints, Transmutation, inspired by patterns in nature.

New Blood show review 2011-amy collins collin banana
New Blood show review 2011-amy collins collin banana
I do love a bit of a wild card: at Loughborough University Amy Collins showed a purple hippo and featured bird from her Collin Banana Circus project – she hopes to go into animation.

New Blood show review 2011-Bertie the Ickle Pickle Bean
Carolyn Bayley‘s Bertie the Ickle Pickle Bean for a book by Rosie Collins reminded me of the simplicity of Simone Lia‘s work.

More coming up soon…

Categories ,Aaron Vohra, ,Albert Camus, ,American Intercontinental, ,Amy Collins, ,Atom, ,Bath School of Art and Design, ,Bath Spa, ,Bertie the Ickle Pickle Bean, ,Buckinghamshire New University, ,Carolyn Bayley, ,Charles Van Der Essen, ,Christine Harrison, ,Collin Banana Circus, ,D&AD, ,David Otokpa, ,Dawn Cooper, ,Deepwater Horizon, ,Eggs (Humanity), ,Elton the Abominable Snowman, ,Fakery, ,Graphic Design, ,Huddersfield, ,James Rogers, ,John Ellis, ,Julia Kisselmann, ,Juliana Roldao, ,Little Red Riding Hood, ,Loughborough University, ,MIddlesex Univerisity, ,New Blood, ,Nobrow, ,Northumbria University, ,Nottingham Trent University, ,Orishas, ,Rosie Collins, ,Sheffield Hallam, ,Sheffield Institute of Arts, ,Simone Lia, ,Transmutation, ,typography, ,University of Bedfordshire, ,University of Huddersfield, ,Unleashed, ,Zane Aldere, ,Zoetrope

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Amelia’s Magazine | Call Me: Kingston University Illustration Degree Show 2014 Review

Kingston Uni Illustration degree show 2014 bee

I sadly missed the Middlesex and Westminster illustration degree shows – the former because no one reminded or invited me (despite copious coverage previously), the latter because I went all the way there and the main gallery entrance was closed (appaz I should have gone through the main building which I have never done before). Bummer.

Kingston Uni Illustration degree show 2014

Still, on the bright side, I got an actual paper proper invite in the post!!! From the lovely students at Kingston University, who are adept at promoting their always brilliant shows, this one cheekily titled Call Me. If only all soon-to-be graduates were as on it. Thankyou folks, it’s always appreciated.

Kingston Uni Illustration degree show 2014 animal

Kingston Uni Illustration degree show 2014 Oi

I love love loved the little creatures that were crawling all over the walls on the way down into the warehouse venue, Dalston Department Store, created by members of the Drawing Club.

Kingston Uni Illustration degree show 2014 Oi

There were a lot of 3D illustrations on show, many emphasising the handmade. These city worker cutouts are by Josh Cole.

Hearin Kim wooden people - Kingston uni

These endearing wooden people are by Hearin Kim.

Natalie Adkins fabric couple - Kingston uni

Natalie Adkins had opted for the sewing needle, creating these humorous fabric couples for an animation project.

Embroidery inspired by the digital age by Alice Stewart - Kingston uni

Alice Stewart exhibited embroidery inspired by the digital age, part of an interactive project where the object being made advances an online tutorial.

Amy Stevens Kingston uni

Mattress, rock formation or what? This strangely beautiful abstract work by Amy Stevens was actually inspired by a close study of the many layers that comprise the human skin. Very clever and provocative.

Carmel Atta - wooden figures, Kingston Uni

These colourful wooden sculptures are by Carmel Attia. What a great name!

Adventure Artist by Maddy Vian, Kingston uni

Maddy Vian had collaged a fantastical landscape for this Adventure Artist.

Wonky house by Harriet Phillips, Kingston uni

This wonky house by Harriet Phillips is part of an app she has designed for children, based on a pigeon called Pidge. Where can I sign up? Snarfle will love this!

Lino cut bird by Sam Stobbart, Kingston uni

Sam Stobbart created this large scale lino cut of a long legged bird.

Hiker girl by Jenny Lovlie, Kingston uni

Jenny Lovlie’s hiker girl is Nora, the heroine in her children’s book.

China oddities by Jooyoung Ryu, Kingston uni

China oddities by Jooyoung Ryu were arranged in a frame on the wall like curios of old.

Jack Smith's monkey bikini catalogue, Kingston uni

Jack Smith‘s monkey bikini catalogue features another example of marvellous beasties, printed in awesome primaries.

Stephanie Unger, Kingston uni

Stephanie Unger ceramics, Kingston uni

Got ya! Fun prints by Stephanie Unger depict humans tackling scary animals… reiterated in ceramic versions.

Ji Young Estelle Woo, Kingston uni

Ji Young Estelle Woo painted an imaginary world on this plate, before shattering the illusion in real life.

Jessica Tickless Roofless - Kingston uni

Roofless by Jessica Tickle is a rhyming picture book for children about being homeless, featuring all sorts of engaging characters.

Assa Ariyoshi, Kingston uni

I super adored work by Assa Ariyoshi, who combines an 80s aesthetic with futurist curves and a lively colour palette to create a confident and humorous style all her own. If my google search is correct then Assa is also a successful model; so both beautiful and talented. Definitely one to watch.

I didn’t have time to watch the animations but I am looking forward to watching the videos at home; thank you for the DVD!

Categories ,2014, ,Adventure Artist, ,Alice Stewart, ,Amy Stevens, ,Assa Ariyoshi, ,Call Me, ,Carmel Attia, ,Dalston Department Store, ,Drawing Club, ,graduate, ,Harriet Phillips, ,Hearin Kim, ,illustration, ,Jack Smith, ,Jenny Lovlie, ,Jessica Tickle, ,Ji Young Estelle Woo, ,Jooyoung Ryu, ,Josh Cole, ,Kingston University, ,Maddy Vian, ,MIddlesex Univerisity, ,Natalie Adkins, ,Nora, ,Pidge, ,Roofless, ,Sam Stobbart, ,Stephanie Unger, ,University of Westminster

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