Amelia’s Magazine | Review: Olympic Park Photo Walk on Sunday, January 8th 2012
All photography by Caitlin Sinclair A lack of geographical know-how means I arrive late, but it’s impossible not to recognise a London Photo Walk group,
All photography by Caitlin Sinclair A lack of geographical know-how means I arrive late, but it’s impossible not to recognise a London Photo Walk group,
Hana Cha by Sam Parr Two weeks ago, there was a multicolour explosion deep in the basement of Victoria House, Bloomsbury – it was the MA Graduate Season 2012
A new spring title by Vivays Publishing, Wearable Vintage Fashion is written by the owners of Second Hand Rose, a vintage boutique in Worcester. Jo Waterhouse
Illustration by Rebecca Strickson On the evening of 8th December, close to 50 people of all ages came together for something resembling a drop-in DIY craft
Photography by Will Pryce. This William Morris art exhibition in a neo-Gothic mansion on the bank of the Thames is exactly the kind of visual feast you might
At number 21 Clerkenwell Green I found twinkly fairy lights, colourful textiles and rooms full of friendly faces. The Winter Open Studios is a weekend where
Illustration by Caroline Coates. It’s hard to know how to talk about Blood and Roses. Before witnessing it, I had been referring to it as an ‘audio
Photography by Andy Keate. The Nathalie Djurberg exhibition at the Camden Arts Centre greets you with a rainbow-like ceiling installation, before plunging
Once upon a time, someone realised that it had been 200 years since the original publication of Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm’s Children’s and Household Tales, and
Beautiful Coincidences. All photography provided courtesy of Julie Vermeille What were your surroundings like growing up? I grew up in a small town outside